Superintendent’s Goals 2016-2017 School Committee Meeting September 19, 2016
Goal 1: Student Learning
Goal 1: Student Learning Enhance the capacity of NPS to narrow the Achievement Gap and create welcoming and inclusive schools for all. Goal Goal Evidence Deliver opening message to the staff about creating welcoming and inclusive schools for all. Identify and support (5-7) school-based teams to build capacity to lead conversations and create greater understanding about the impact of race and racial identity on student school experience. Continue to provide professional development to all administrators focused on leading courageous conversations about race and racial identity development. Support continued application of the Responsive School and Responsive Classroom model by training additional teachers and administrators at both the elementary and middle school levels. Collect broader and more specific data about student connectedness to school, including annual actionable data for all grades and subgroups. Opening Day video School administrators and teachers will report greater confidence and preparedness to lead their schools in creating better school climate and creating strategies to close achievement gaps. School-based teams and leaders are better prepared to lead conversations about race that in turn lead to more welcoming and inclusive school climates for students of color and their families. 100 additional elementary school educators will be trained, and 80 or more additional middle school educators will be trained. Pilot, revise and implement a survey to augment the school connectedness portion of the YRBS.
Goal 1: Student Learning continued… Goal Evidence Further develop professional development model begun in SY 2016, with teachers working in teams on projects designed to close the achievement gap and align with other district goals. Continue professional development for elementary school-based teams on use of Data Wise process to analyze student work, develop teacher leaders and improve instructions. Continue to implement strategies to increase enrollment of underrepresented groups in higher-level courses across content areas, including clustering, move-up support, and multi-level and unleveled courses. Continue and expand the Calculus Project. Refine recruitment process and academic support strategies. Monitor achievement of program participants. Develop long-range funding plan. Continued implementation (year 2) Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) in all elementary schools. Teacher developed projects that improve student learning, student engagement and connectedness to school. Improved teacher data analysis and meeting skills to increase the effectiveness of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and their ability to identify student misconceptions and skill gaps and intervene quickly. Increased enrollment and achievement in upper level courses for traditionally under-represented sub groups. Consistent participation and increased achievement in middle school math courses for participating students. Convene a group to project funding needs and identify potential sources. Establish baseline data using BAS and begin tracking student growth.
Goal 2: Professional practice
Goal 2: Professional Practice Engage the community in important system initiatives and events. Goal Goal Evidence Communicate timely and engaging information about important NPS issues through a variety of means including video. Examine how to use social media effectively and strategically to communicate district messages. Conduct a parent meeting with School Committee in each school during 2016-17. Develop strategies for engaging families who are unable to attend the meetings. Conduct parent book discussion with Superintendent. Use analytics to measure reach and engagement of online communication. Develop Newton Family Conference second-year event. Provide support to building administrators on family and community engagement. A range of communication over the course of the school year focused on system goals and priorities. Pilot use of social media to communicate with the community. Increased interaction between school communities and School Committee. Pilot new strategies for family participation. Engaging discussions on timely educational topic. Determine which online communication methods are effective for which populations. Successful event based on attendance and feedback. Timely and clear communication at the building level.
Goal 3: District improvement
Goal 3: District Improvement Continue to recruit and build a strong central office/administrator team. Goal Goal Evidence Conduct successful searches for Cabot, Day, Lincoln-Eliot and Mason-Rice principals. Conduct successful searches for other key leadership positions as they arise. Build and support a cohesive central office team during a time of transition. Work in partnership with Central office administrators and superintendent/principal advisory group in planning meaningful and engaging retreats and meetings. Support new district leaders in their first year. Successful process and completed searches. Successful process and completed searches . Team and individual meetings, stakeholder feedback and progress towards goals. Retreat/meeting agendas and feedback. Successful implementation of entry plans.