1% Club Catalogue code: A13 Full presentation or module? Module HIDDEN DESCRIPTION SLIDE — NOT TO BE SHOWN TO THE PUBLIC 1% Club Catalogue code: A13 Full presentation or module? Module Slide numbers: A13-1 to A13-4 Registered/Non-Registered Usage: All (Choices: registered rep use only, not for registered rep use, allowed for all, partial limitations) Last update info: Date updated: 2011-03-31 Project #17753 Description of changes: New stats on A13-2 Filed with FINRA? No If yes, date: Notes:
1% Club Invest a little more now to have a lot more later. The future we plan for begins today. A13-1
The Problem Three in ten Americans over age 24 have not saved any money toward retirement.* Of those, 79% of workers say this is because they cannot afford to save.* Many GuideStone Financial Resources retirement plan participants make no contribution from their own salary and rely only on employer contributions. EBRI survey can be found in the March 2010 EBRI Issue Brief, no. 340. *Source: Employee Benefits Research Institute 2010 Retirement Confidence Survey A13-2
The Solution Join GuideStone’s 1% Club Use a Salary Reduction Agreement to make a personal contribution from your own salary. Commit to increase your contribution by at least 1% annually for five years. Each year receive a reminder and a new Salary Reduction Agreement. A13-3
Join the 1% Club Use a Salary Reduction Agreement to make a personal contribution from your own salary. Commit to increase your contribution by at least 1% annually for five years. Each year receive a reminder and a new Salary Reduction Agreement. NOTE: If you only have time for one slide, use this one in place of the previous ones. A13-4