Director, Accountability Services NC Department of Public Instruction Proof of Concept Study June Atkinson State Superintendent Tammy Howard Director, Accountability Services NC Department of Public Instruction July 13, 2015
Purposes Valid and reliable measures of content standards. Growth data for educator effectiveness reports. Assessments throughout the year that inform and guide instruction and that predict performance on future assessments. A stand-alone summative assessment at the end of the year that may be connected to the interim assessments.
Research Questions Determine the feasibility of implementing the concept across grades 3–8 data analysis to affirm reliability input/feedback on the integration of the assessments in instruction logistical/operational (delivery mode, scoring) professional development requirements possibility of different item types
Design Convene teacher groups to recommend test specifications Notify districts of schools selected for participation Provide professional development to the selected schools Administer the three through-grade assessments and then the modified end-of- grade
Design End-of-Year (Covers Interims 1– 4) Interim 1 Interim 2 Design could be altered based on outcome of study May have overlapping content May predict performance throughout the year CCSA Conference (March 2015)
Timeline 2015–16 Proof of Concept (sample population) Year Administration Grade Levels Purpose 2015–16 Proof of Concept (sample population) Release RFP for High School Grade 5: Math Grade 6: Reading Determine feasibility of concept Summer 2016: Decision-point of how to proceed 2016–17 Field Test (sample population) Or Release RFP for assessment Pilot High School Grades 3–8: Math Grades 4–8: Reading Test items for inclusion in operational test forms 2017–18 Pilot Operational Year (statewide) High School Operational Full Implementation
Review of Current Interim Assessments Several school districts currently administer vendor-developed interim assessments Review coverage of content standards, reliabilities, validity, and compare performance to EOG performance School systems will submit interim assessment data generated from commercially-developed assessments
Selected Districts for Participation in Proof of Concept: Grade 5 Mathematics LEA/Charter Schools Alamance-Burlington Schools Gaston County Schools New Hanover County Schools Brunswick County Schools Guilford County Schools Northampton County Schools Cabarrus Charter Academy Harnett County Schools Onslow County Schools Catawba County Schools Henderson County Schools Orange County Schools Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools Hoke County Schools Piedmont Community Charter School Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Johnston County Schools Randolph County Schools Chatham County Schools Kannapolis City Schools Robeson County Schools Community School of Davidson Martin County Schools Vance County Schools Cumberland County Schools Millennium Charter Academy Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Duplin County Schools Mooresville City Schools Yadkin County Schools Durham Public Schools Mount Airy City Schools Yancey County Schools Edgecombe County Public School Nash-Rocky Mount Schools
Selected Districts for Participation in Proof of Concept: Grade 6 ELA/Reading LEA/Charter Schools Beaufort County Schools Iredell-Statesville Schools Brevard Academy Johnston County Schools Brunswick County Schools Madison County Schools Caldwell County Schools Paul R Brown Leadership Academy Camden County Schools Pitt County Schools Carteret County Public Schools Polk County Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Robeson County Schools Chatham County Schools Scotland County Schools Davidson County Schools Southern Wake Academy Duplin County Schools Summerfield Charter Academy Granville County Schools Wake County Schools Guilford County Schools Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Harnett County Schools Yadkin County Schools Henderson Collegiate
Based on RFP outcome, pilot in 2016– 17 and fully implement in 2017–18 High School Develop RFP for a college admissions assessment at grade 11 and grade-level assessments at grades 9 and 10 Based on RFP outcome, pilot in 2016– 17 and fully implement in 2017–18 Requires setting a proficiency standard for accountability reports if used as federal measure
Next Steps Provide sampled school list to districts Conduct webinar for district and school level staff Provide test specifications for each interim (Superintendents’ Quarterly) Provide professional development for teachers of selected schools