Name of Country Central Asian Country Mini-Poster Project Government: Instructions: 1. Choose a country from Central Asia (those discussed in the National Geographic Reading) 2. Lightly Draw and outline of the country 3. Research the topics shown in the example below including the information indicated 4. Use information from the reading, textbook and the CIA World Factbook website (google CIA World Factbook Then Search for your Country) 5. Find at least 2 symbols representative of your country and draw them on the poster (one should be the flag) 6. Use the example on the back of this paper as a guide (note: you should include more information on your poster) *Make sure everything is neat and well colored. Government: -Type of government -Capital -Makeup of country -Leaders -Conflicts and Controversies -Other Facts Demographics: -Population -Ethnic Makeup -Population Distribution -Major Cities Economy: -GDP -Agriculture -Industry -Main Exports -Main Imports Cultural Facts: -Language -Religion -Traditions Name of Country
The United States of America Government: -Constitutional Federal Republic -Capital Washington D.C. -50 States and 1 District -And More… Cultural Facts: -Language; English -Religion: 67% Christian, 22% Unaffiliated, 11% Other -And More… The United States of America Economy: -GDP; $18.5 Trillion -Agriculture; wheat, corn, other grains; beef, pork, poultry, dairy products -Industry- 2nd Largest Industrial Output in the World -And More… Demographics: -Population 323,995,528 -79% White, 13% Black, 4.5% Asian -81.6% of population is Urban -Largest Cities: New York, L.A., Chicago -And More…