Conditional Grant and Capital Expenditure Select committee on finance Public hearing 12 February 2008 Sport, Arts and Culture Limpopo
Content Background Data trends allocation and expenditure Progress report for School sports Mass Participation Programme (SSMPP) Siyadlala Mass Participation Programme (SMPP) Club development Community library Assessment of department monitoring capacity and capacity constrains Department of Sport Arts and Culture 2
Background The department receives two conditional grants Library services Mass participation program (MPP) School sports Mass Participation Programme Siyadlala Mass Participation Programme Club development In 2006/07 the department received a special allocation from the province for the construction of Provincial Archive building-R12 million Department of Sport Arts and Culture 3
Data trends Department of Sport Arts and Culture 4
2007/08 spending trend Department of Sport Arts and Culture 5
2006/07 achievements SMPP Number of Disabled participating 3 129 Number of Elderly (over 55) participating 5 900 Number of People joining 37 252 Number of Women joining 15 408 Number of Youth joining 36 430 Number of Disabled joining 639 Number of Elderly joining 757 Number of Recreation clubs created 7 Number of Coaches Trained 368 Number of Administrators Trained 120 Number of Referees Trained 349 Number of People trained in Events Management 48 Number of People participating actively in Sport 368 545 Number of Women participating 171 425 Number of Youth (under 35) participating 362 714 Department of Sport Arts and Culture 6
2006/07 Achievement SSMPP Objectives Performance Indicator Annual Target Actual Promotion of mass participation within schools through the development of selected number of sport codes, the empowerment of educators, and volunteers to manage and implement No of Schools involved in the programme 98 84 No of educators and volunteers involved in the programme (coaches) 1 769 2 283 No of learners involved in the programme 26 200 78 446 Department of Sport Arts and Culture 7
2006/07 Achievement SSMPP Number of Coaches Trained 76 Number of Administrators Trained 59 Number of People trained in Events Management 30 No of Learners Registered 78 446 No of Female Learners Registered 32 487 No of Disabled Learners Registered 305 Number of Coaches Registered 2 283 Number of Female Coaches Registered 1 104 Number of Disabled Coaches Registered 15 Number of Schools Registered 84 Number of Primary Schools Registered 41 Number of Secondary Schools Registered 43 Number of Teams to be fielded (total) 7 108 Number of Intra-school Matches Played 1 466 Number of Inter-school Matches Played 796 Department of Sport Arts and Culture 8
2007/08 Achievements SMPP Number of Coaches Trained 345 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Number of Coaches Trained 345 Number of Administrators Trained 121 Number of Referees Trained Number of People participating actively in Sport 9 327 98 650 Number of Women participating 4 362 51 372 Number of Youth (under 35) participating 9 270 Department of Sport Arts and Culture 9
2007/08 Achievements SMPP Number of Elderly (over 55) participating 57 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Number of Elderly (over 55) participating 57 410 Number of People joining 2 431 49 932 Number of Women joining 996 20 572 Number of Youth joining Number of Disabled joining 302 Number of Elderly joining Department of Sport Arts and Culture 10
2007/08 achievement to December SSMPP Objectives Performance Indicator Target Actual Promotion of mass participation within schools through the development of selected number of sport codes, the empowerment of educators, and volunteers to manage and implement No of Schools involved in the programme 175 No of educators and volunteers involved in the programme (coaches) 2 477 4 003 No of learners involved in the programme 88 717 133 578 Department of Sport Arts and Culture 11
2007/08 achievement to December SSMPP Activities Information up to and including December Number of Coaches Trained 1 019 Number of Administrators Trained 59 Number of People trained in Events Management 30 No of Learners Registered 133 578 No of Female Learners Registered 58 199 No of Disabled Learners Registered 2 127 Number of Coaches Registered 4 003 Number of Female Coaches Registered 2 095 Quarter 3 Number of Disabled Coaches Registered 31 Number of Schools Registered 175 Number of Primary Schools Registered 80 Number of Secondary Schools Registered 95 Number of Teams to be fielded (total) 11 602 Number of Intra-school Matches Played 3 230 Number of Inter-school Matches Played 1 936 Department of Sport Arts and Culture 12
Performance Indicator MPP club development Objectives Performance Indicator Target Actual To establish and support transformed institutional and physical structures to increase participation and excellence in in sport Number of integrated programmes developed and roles and responsibilities agreed 48 clubs developed Train 52 club officials 960 athletes participated in our programme and 60 to participate in the club development National championship Department of Sport Arts and Culture
Community library grant report from April to December There were delays in appointments of the grant employees 64 data capturers, 1 project manager and 4 librarian appointed for the grant were appointed in August and September respectively Identified two municipalities for two new Library infrastructure and completed the designs for the libraries Information sessions conducted for communities on the purpose of the grant and it implementation Library material purchased awaiting delivery Purchased 52 computers and 54 printers for the libraries Completed the needs analysis for the ICT infrastructure for the libraries Identified 6 libraries install security system Department of Sport Arts and Culture
Infrastructure The department started in 2006/07 with the construction of the Provincial Archive The total cost of the building is R39 million It will be complete in September 2008 Expenditure to date is R13,767 million In this 2007/08 we started with the planning for the two libraries. The project were suppose to start in April 2008 One municipality is giving challenges in that they need a special library unique to them. Department of Sport Arts and Culture
Capacity constrains The main challenge the department face is the capacity of the suppliers to deliver We have established a register of defaulters and suppliers will be blacklisted We sign service level agreement with suppliers The department appointed the library conditional grant coordinator in September resulting in delays on the spending thereof All the personnel for CG to be appointed for 2008/09 financial year will be appointed in April Department of Sport Arts and Culture 16