Warm-Up – 10/7 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: Describe the purpose of the Women’s Auxilliary Ferrying Squadron? Describe the Grand Strategy once the United States joined the war. Describe the strategy the was adopted throughout all of Europe based on its success in North Africa. Describe the three priorities of Centralized Command of Air Forces. What is interdiction and its purpose?
Questions / Comments
Warm-Up – 10/7 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: Describe the purpose of the Women’s Auxilliary Ferrying Squadron? Describe the Grand Strategy once the United States joined the war. Describe the strategy the was adopted throughout all of Europe based on its success in North Africa. Describe the three priorities of Centralized Command of Air Forces. What is interdiction and its purpose?
US Air Power Spins Up In 1942, the Women’s Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) was established. These female pilots ferried aircraft to various locations to include overseas.
Warm-Up – 10/7 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: Describe the purpose of the Women’s Auxilliary Ferrying Squadron? Describe the Grand Strategy once the United States joined the war. Describe the strategy the was adopted throughout all of Europe based on its success in North Africa. Describe the three priorities of Centralized Command of Air Forces. What is interdiction and its purpose?
European Campaign – Grand Strategy Grand strategy once US entered the war was to switch from defense to offense. Recapture territory occupied by Germany Finally force Germany and Japan into unconditional surrender. The European campaign took priority over the Pacific.
Warm-Up – 10/7 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: Describe the purpose of the Women’s Auxilliary Ferrying Squadron? Describe the Grand Strategy once the United States joined the war. Describe the strategy the was adopted throughout all of Europe based on its success in North Africa. Describe the three priorities of Centralized Command of Air Forces. What is interdiction and its purpose?
Learning in North Africa The allies went to a centralized control of aircraft, which allowed more planes to come to the aid of an attacked army. This worked so well Roosevelt and Churchill adopted this for the entire European Theater.
Warm-Up – 10/7 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: Describe the purpose of the Women’s Auxilliary Ferrying Squadron? Describe the Grand Strategy once the United States joined the war. Describe the strategy the was adopted throughout all of Europe based on its success in North Africa. Describe the three priorities of Centralized Command of Air Forces. What is interdiction and its purpose?
Learning in North Africa Centralized Control of Air Forces allowed the following three (3) priorities to happen: Gain Air Superiority Attack enemy airfields, maintenance facilities, fuel supplies, and aircraft. This ensures air operations can be conducted without enemy resistance.
Learning in North Africa Interdiction: Cripple enemy supply lines, railroads, bridges, highways, supply dumps, troop concentrations and communications. This is to isolate the battle area and prevent the enemy from entering or leaving the battlefield.
Learning in North Africa Close Ground Support: Use air power to bomb and strafe enemy troops and gun positions and provide air cover for troop movements. These lessons are still in use today. Key is centralized control of air assets.
Warm-Up – 10/7 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: Describe the purpose of the Women’s Auxilliary Ferrying Squadron? Describe the Grand Strategy once the United States joined the war. Describe the strategy the was adopted throughout all of Europe based on its success in North Africa. Describe the three priorities of Centralized Command of Air Forces. What is interdiction and its purpose?
Learning in North Africa Interdiction: Cripple enemy supply lines, railroads, bridges, highways, supply dumps, troop concentrations and communications. This is to isolate the battle area and prevent the enemy from entering or leaving the battlefield.
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THIS DAY IN AVIATION October 7 1909 — Glenn Curtiss becomes the first American to hold an FAI airplane certificate.
THIS DAY IN AVIATION October 7 1943 - Japanese execute approximately 100 American POWs on Wake Island.
THIS DAY IN AVIATION October 7 1949 — United States Air Force officials reported immediate availability of atomic bombs if use ordered.
THIS DAY IN AVIATION October 7 1957 — Igor Sikorsky receives the Annual Meritorious Award of National Business Aircraft Association in recognition of his pioneering in: multi- engine aircraft, trans Ocean flying-boats and helicopters.
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October 2015 Mighty 8th Museum 1 2 3 4 5 Chapter 4 US Enters War SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 Chapter 4 US Enters War Pearl Harbor 6 European Campaign North Africa 7 Theories of Early Air Power 8 D-Day Chap 4 Quiz 9 Mighty 8th Museum 10 11 12 Pacific Campaign 13 Island Hopping 14 Doolittle Raid Atomic Bomb Chap 4 Test 1st Quarter Ends Grades Due 15 16 FLIGHTLINE 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 HALF-DAY SCHOOL 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
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Chapter 4 – Air Power Goes to War 1939 - 1945
Today’s Mission Requirements Identify in writing the theories of the early air power theorists. Describe in writing the early Royal Air Force (RAF) bombing experience before the start of the Combined Bombing Offensive. Describe in writing the effectiveness of the Army Air Corps bombing strategy at the beginning of World War II. Describe in writing what changes in strategy and tactics led to the Allies gaining air superiority over Europe. EQ: What were some of the aviation developments during the 5 year period of WWII that influenced the Aviation Industry for years to come?
Video of the Day B-17 Bombing
Developing a Strategy (for air power) American General Billy Mitchell thought air power should take the war to the enemy’s cities. He thought: 20% should be bombers 20% attack aircraft 60% fighter aircraft Navy should have at least 20 aircraft carriers.
Developing a Strategy (for air power) Many believed in long range bombing and thought they could get to targets unmolested. The RAF did not agree and had tried early in the war and changed to nighttime after losses by German anti-aircraft and fighters.
Developing a Strategy (for air power) The US developed the Norden bombsight – which placed bombs accurately on target. US theory was that a well-armed bomber could fly high over enemy guns.
Developing a Strategy (for air power) US developed an unescorted high altitude, daylight, precision bombing, while the British bombed at night. This gave round-the- clock bombing of German targets.
The Combined Bomber Offensive In the beginning, first priority targets were submarine factories, docks and ports.
The Combined Bomber Offensive Second priority targets were aircraft factories and munitions plants.
The Combined Bomber Offensive Third priority targets were communications and transportation systems.
B-17 Bomb Rack Diagram
The Combined Bomber Offensive Initially successful – BUT - by late summer, of 1943, the American bombers were getting chewed up by the Luftwaffe. The US lost 92 bombers in 6 missions from July 24 – July 30. Each bomber has a crew of 10 – which equates to over 900 aircrew lost
The Combined Bomber Offensive Aug 17 - over 60 bombers were lost and during Oct over 148 bombers were lost The Luftwaffe’s fighters forced the US to stop the air raids and to reconsider the unescorted, high- altitude, daylight, precision bombing
The Combined Bomber Offensive P-51 Mustangs began escorting the bombers and chased enemy fighters, too. They were equipped with modified extra fuel tanks that could drop off This allowed the bombers to get deep into Germany and bomb Berlin.
The Combined Bomber Offensive March 4, 1944 was the first raid on Berlin. Priority targets were fighter-manufacturing facilities and oil refineries. The most important product of the new offensive was air superiority.
The Combined Bomber Offensive The new tactics combined with the bombing of the oil refineries hurt the Luftwaffe. Aviation fuel became scarce for the Luftwaffe and now the Americans were gaining the upper hand.
The Combined Bomber Offensive The Luftwaffe ruled the air over Europe no more.
Questions / Comments
Today’s Mission Requirements Identify in writing the theories of the early air power theorists. Describe in writing the early Royal Air Force (RAF) bombing experience before the start of the Combined Bombing Offensive. Describe in writing the effectiveness of the Army Air Corps bombing strategy at the beginning of World War II. Describe in writing what changes in strategy and tactics led to the Allies gaining air superiority over Europe. EQ: What were some of the aviation developments during the 5 year period of WWII that influenced the Aviation Industry for years to come?
Developing a Strategy (for air power) Beginning of WWII many theories existed of how to use air power. Italian Air Marshal Giulio Douhet said to gain air supremacy with a massive first strike; a surprise attack on the enemy’s aircraft. Attack population and they would give in – no large ground war would be necessary.
Developing a Strategy (for air power) Sir Hugh Trenchard – “Father of the RAF” - believed the proper force mix was two-thirds bomber aircraft and one-third fighter. He disagreed with Douhet on what targets to hit. Trenchard thought air power should knock out vital centers, like factories – workers have no where to work - destroy will to fight
Developing a Strategy (for air power) American General Billy Mitchell thought air power should take the war to the enemy’s cities. He thought: 20% should be bombers 20% attack aircraft 60% fighter aircraft Navy should have at least 20 aircraft carriers.
Developing a Strategy (for air power) American Claire Chennault did not believe that the bomber could get through.
Today’s Mission Requirements Identify in writing the theories of the early air power theorists. Describe in writing the early Royal Air Force (RAF) bombing experience before the start of the Combined Bombing Offensive. Describe in writing the effectiveness of the Army Air Corps bombing strategy at the beginning of World War II. Describe in writing what changes in strategy and tactics led to the Allies gaining air superiority over Europe. EQ: What were some of the aviation developments during the 5 year period of WWII that influenced the Aviation Industry for years to come?
Developing a Strategy (for air power) All three had agreed in long range bombing and they could get to targets unmolested. The RAF did not agree and had tried early in the war and changed to nighttime after losses by German anti-aircraft and fighters.
Today’s Mission Requirements Identify in writing the theories of the early air power theorists. Describe in writing the early Royal Air Force (RAF) bombing experience before the start of the Combined Bombing Offensive. Describe in writing the effectiveness of the Army Air Corps bombing strategy at the beginning of World War II. Describe in writing what changes in strategy and tactics led to the Allies gaining air superiority over Europe. EQ: What were some of the aviation developments during the 5 year period of WWII that influenced the Aviation Industry for years to come?
The Combined Bomber Offensive Initially successful – BUT - by late summer, of 1943, the American bombers were getting chewed up by the Luftwaffe. The US lost 92 bombers in 6 missions from July 24 – July 30. Each bomber has a crew of 10 – which equates to over 900 aircrew lost
Today’s Mission Requirements Identify in writing the theories of the early air power theorists. Describe in writing the early Royal Air Force (RAF) bombing experience before the start of the Combined Bombing Offensive. Describe in writing the effectiveness of the Army Air Corps bombing strategy at the beginning of World War II. Describe in writing what changes in strategy and tactics led to the Allies gaining air superiority over Europe. EQ: What were some of the aviation developments during the 5 year period of WWII that influenced the Aviation Industry for years to come?
The Combined Bomber Offensive P-51 Mustangs began escorting the bombers and chased enemy fighters, too. They were equipped with modified extra fuel tanks that could drop off This allowed the bombers to get deep into Germany and bomb Berlin.
The Combined Bomber Offensive March 4, 1944 was the first raid on Berlin. Priority targets were fighter-manufacturing facilities and oil refineries. The most important product of the new offensive was air superiority.
The Combined Bomber Offensive The new tactics combined with the bombing of the oil refineries hurt the Luftwaffe. Aviation fuel became scarce for the Luftwaffe and now the Americans were gaining the upper hand.
Questions / Comments
Lesson Closure - 3 – 2 - 1 2. List 2 things you have questions about today’s lesson. 3. List 3 things you learned today. 1. Create (1) quiz question with answer about today’s lesson.
Questions / Comments
Safety Rules – Safety Monitor Brief Must Use Safety Glasses Use of Cutting tools is Dangerous – AT ALL TIMES – knives only out when cutting Must Use Cutting Mats All Areas will remain clean and organized Plane Captains will insure All Areas will be cleaned and all items put back in proper locations 10 minutes prior to class ending Class safety monitor will insure areas are clean and safe at all times
Developing a Strategy (for air power) American Claire Chennault did not believe that the bomber could get through.