By: Kevin, Liam, Mark, Peter Conflict Theory By: Kevin, Liam, Mark, Peter
Conflict Theory
History of the Family
Social Conflict Theory Society is created from the ongoing conflict between groups According to some theorists, these groups are the main economic “classes” of society These are made up of those who own the main wealth of society, and those who own little but their ability to labour
Child Abuse
Child Abuse
Role of Women
Role of Women
Marijuana Legalization
Marijuana Legalization
Human Sexuality Under Conflict Theory Also known as Queer Theory emerged in the early 1990s out of the fields of LGBT studies and feminist studies expands its focus to encompass any kind of sexual activity or identity that falls into normative and deviant categories
Human Sexuality Main Project-going against the categorization of gender and sexuality Identities are not fixed – they cannot be categorized and labelled
Human Sexuality Analyze texts and challenge the cultural notions of "straight" ideology
Adolescent Behaviour Exploitation by individuals in the group with greater powers(adults) over others from a group with less power
Adolescent Behaviour Although some may not realize it, we are in a constant competition for power
The End