Caribbean Accreditation Council for Engineering and Technology Board of Directors Meeting – Day 2 27 November 2009
Agenda Day, 2 AM Election of office holders (CS; executive session) Writing assignments (CS) Second reading and approval of COM (MK+CS) Second reading and approval of Accreditation Manual (MK+CS) Next meeting (CS)
CACET’s organizational Chart CACET President Board of Directors: Regular Members (incl. President, Vice president, Accreditation Activities), President Elect, Treasurer, Secretary CACET Staff Vice President, Accreditation Activities Standing Committees: Finance, N&A, Accreditation Ad Hoc Committees Operating Committee Accreditation Committee Accreditation Councils Program Evaluation Teams
Position-holders we need to select President-Elect, 2010-2011 Treasurer-Secretary, 2010-2011 OR Treasurer, 2010-2011 Secretary, 2010-2011 Vice President, Accreditation Activities
Appointment of Tellers
Voting Instructions We will have a number of candidates for each position Approval voting: vote for all you consider desirable (from none to all) If a candidate is not contested s/he needs to beat “none of the above” If there are n candidates, a winner needs at least 1/n share of the vote We will vote separately on whether or not to elect a secretary-treasurer or a secretary and a treasurer
Candidates for President Elect
Should we have… Treasurer-secretary OR Treasurer Secretary [Need a motion to resolve this issue]
Candidates for Secretary
Candidates for Treasurer
Candidates for Secretary-Treasurer
Candidates for Vice President, Accreditation Activities
New Documents – who will do what? Finance Manual Form for requesting accreditation by CACET Form for Self Evaluation Document Election/appointment/ voting procedures to CACET positions (7.8) Including petitions, nominations from the floor etc. Confidentiality agreement Conflict of Interest Form “We are in business” call for programs Program Criteria To the extent needed Program evaluator and Team Chair qualifications By N&A Committee
Second reading and approval of COM (MK+CS) Second reading and approval of Accreditation Manual (MK+CS)
Next Meeting