Chiangmai Seismic Station,Thailand (CHTO) By ..Somsak saensuk Officer From CHTO
Sir, Madam, Ladies & Gentlemen…Chiang Mai Seismic Station (CHTO) is under administration of the Thai Meteorological Department (TMD). With cooperation between the TMD and USGS the station has operated with World Wide Standardized Seismograph Network (WWSSN) in March 1963. Now CHTO is one of the Global Seismograph Network (GSN) namely IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions of Seismology). So we can say that CHTO has 2 hats; one is a member of the national seismograph network belong to TMD and another one is IRIS or GSN network belong to USGS. Chiang Mai Seismic Station (CHTO) is under administration of the Thai Meteorological Department (TMD). With cooperation between the TMD and USGS the station has operated with World Wide Standardized Seismograph Network (WWSSN) in March 1963.
Now CHTO is one of the Global Seismograph Network (GSN) namely IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions of Seismology). So we can say that CHTO has 2 hats; one is a member of the national seismograph network belong to TMD and another one is IRIS or GSN network belong to USGS.
The CHTO is located at Suthep Sub-District, Muang Chiang Mai or latitude 18.814 degrees north, longitude 98.944 degrees east, about 420 meters above mean sea level. It has operated with the KS-54000 broadband borehole seismometer digitized by the Q330 data logger. Its data has been up linked through internet real time. The CHTO is located at Suthep Sub-District, Muang Chiang Mai or latitude 18.814 degrees north, longitude 98.944 degrees east, about 420 meters above mean sea level
This is the diagram of GSN instrumentation as used at CHTO . It has operated with the KS-54000 broadband borehole (100 m) seismometer digitized by the Q330 data logger.
Its data has been up linked through internet real time.
The WWSSN seismometer the KS-54000 broadband borehole seismometer
The data can be accessed via many channels The data can be accessed via many channels. The data user can study through the IRIS DMC data access tutorial on internet. The data can be accessed via many channels. The data user can study through the IRIS DMC data access tutorial on internet.
You can view the CHTO real time seismograms at http://www. iris You can view the CHTO real time seismograms at or download data at You can view the CHTO real time seismograms at or download data at
We are planning to display CHTO data by GIS map through internet.
We are also seeking for cooperation of data exchange especially local and regional earthquake data. Thank you very much for attention. We are also seeking for cooperation of data exchange especially local and regional earthquake data..
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Thank you very much for attention
The International Horticutural Exposition Royal Flora in Chiangmai now - March,14, 2012
Wellcome to Chiangmai