Wireless Ad Hoc/Sensor Networks: From IEEE 802 Wireless Ad Hoc/Sensor Networks: From IEEE 802.11 to Berkeley Motes and Beyond Ten-Hwang Lai, OSU
Ten-Hwang Lai Ohio State University Introduction to IEEE 802.11 Ten-Hwang Lai Ohio State University
Standards for Wireless LANs IEEE 802.11 Bluetooth HiperLan (Europe)
History of IEEE 802.11 802.11 standard first ratified in 1997 802.3 LAN emulation 1 & 2 Mbps in the 2.4 GHz band Two high rate PHY’s ratified in 1999 802.11a: 6 to 54 Mbps in the 5 GHz band 802.11b: 5.5 and 11 Mbps in the 2.4 GHz band
The Beat Goes On 802.11c: support for 802.11 frames 802.11d: new support for 802.11 frames 802.11e: QoS enhancement in MAC 802.11f: Inter Access Point Protocol 802.11g: 2.4 GHz extension to 22 Mbps 802.11h: channel selection and power control 802.11i: security enhancement in MAC 802.11j: 5 GHz globalization
IEEE 802 Standards . . . 802.2 LOGICAL LINK CONTROL 802.1 BRIDGING 802.3 MEDIUM ACCESS (Ethernet) PHYSICAL 802.4 MEDIUM ACCESS (token bus) 802.5 MEDIUM ACCESS (token ring) 802.11 MEDIUM ACCESS (WLAN) 802.12 MEDIUM ACCESS (Gigabit LAN) . . . 802.1 BRIDGING 802.2 LOGICAL LINK CONTROL LAYER DATA LINK 802.1 MANAGEMENT
802.11 802.11 MAC 802.11 FHSS 802.11 DSSS 802.11a OFDM 802.11b DSSS
802.11 BSS Basic Service Set (BSS) --- a basic LAN Infrastructure BSS Independent BSS (Ad Hoc LAN) Access point
802.11 ESS Extended Service Set (ESS) Distributed System
Major Protocols MAC Management Operations Scanning Authentication Association Power Saving Timing Synchronization WEP (wired equivalent privacy) Physical Layer
Power Saving Beacon interval sleep sleep time Beacon window ATIM window
When to stay awake? ATIM: Announcement traffic indication map. IBSS: If a node has an outgoing data frame for B, it sends B a traffic announcement in the ATIM window. A node stays awake for an entire beacon interval if it has incoming and/or outgoing traffic.
Beacons Beacons carry information about the BSS. To allow new stations to join in Timing synchronization Every station must listen to Beacons. Infrastructured BSS: AP sends beacons. IBSS: every station contends for beacon generation in the beacon window.
Beacon Contention/Generation Each station: determines a random number k; waits for exactly k idle slots to pass; transmits a beacon (if no one else has done so). Beacon: several slots in length. beacon interval window
Timing Sync Needed for Power Saving Beacon interval sleep sleep time Beacon window ATIM window
Timing Sync Needed for Frequency Hopping
802.11 Timers (Clocks) Timer: 64 bits, ticking in microseconds. Accuracy: within + 0.01%, or +100 ppm. Time synchronization needed for: Frequency hopping Power management ∆ = max tolerable difference between clocks.
802.11’s Time Sync Function Beacon contains a timestamp. On receiving a beacon, STA adopts beacon’s timing if T(beacon) > T(STA). Clocks move only forward. 12:01 12:01 12:00 12:01 12:02 faster adopts slower not adopts
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