Year 7 Parent Information Evening Monday 19th September 2016
Welcome Tutor teams 7H – Miss Henderson & Mrs Kennedy / Mrs Janaway (Thurs) 7R – Mrs Roebuck & Mrs Eves Relationships with students Understanding and meeting needs Communication and relationships with parents families and carers Student Support Lead – Sam Janaway Form Tutor support Homework Live Life Well Support for behaviour management EHCP transfers Working with families
Year 7 Information Friday emails Regular contact with school and home Reports at the end of each term Year 7 Parents Evening Tuesday 15th November 2016 Homework Annual Reviews & EHCP transfers - SEND Advisor & Annual Review Lead IEPs
Together we are working on Crossing the road Developing independence Shopping and money Friendships Responsibilities at home Self care skills E-safety & staying safe Social Media Facilities in your home area Being known to services in your home area Achievement Communication Independence Wellbeing
School Improvement Aims 2016 2017 To provide outstanding education and residential care for our students To improve student outcomes in the areas of achievement, communication, independence and wellbeing To continue to improve our engagement with the wider community To plan for and secure the long term future of the school To publish our novel “M in the Middle” To continue to strive to become a National Centre of Excellence for girls with additional needs To work with The Howard Partnership Trust to establish a COIN Free School in Surrey To continue to improve our physical environment
What we would like to know … How can we be better at supporting you to support your daughter’s learning and development? (Homework) How can we communicate with you more effectively? What Parent Workshops would you like us to run? Do Parents Evenings work? What else would you like us to know?