AAEA Role in Improving EPR Coordination Interventions among Arab Countries Abdelmajid Mahjoub Arab Atomic Energy Agency a.mahjoub@aaea.org.tn
22 member states in LAS African Countries Egypt Libya Sudan Tunisia Mauritania Morocco Algeria Comoros Djibouti Somalia Gulf Countries Bahrain KSA Kuwait Oman Qatar UAE Asian Arab Countries Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon , Palestine, Syria, Yemen,
AAEA Missions Coordinates among member states in the field of peaceful applications of atomic energy, Sets up unified Arab regulations for EPR, radiation protection, nuclear safety and security and safe handling of radioactive materials. Building the SS culture Assists in human resources development and transfer of knowledge and information concerning nuclear sciences & technologies, Raise the public awareness of benefits and hazards of ionized radiation.
AAEA Activities in Safety and Security AAEA translate many IAEA guides and technical documents related to EPR into Arabic like: Safety series, International Basic Safety standards for protection from Ionizing radiation and safety of radioactive sources BSS Assessment of occupational exposure ( Safety guide) Occupational radiation protection Technical document of radioactive waste disposal Decommissioning of research reactors and NPP ICRP- Publications AAEA spreads the safety and security culture among Arab speaking nuclear community
Many Arab countries have or planning to have Research Reactors. The use of atomic energy in Arab countries is increased significantly in different social and economic aspects of life (e.g medicine, industry, agriculture and research, ..etc.). Many Arab countries have or planning to have Research Reactors. Many Arab countries expressed their interest to embark on nuclear power programme. Growing concern in the region over the potential of nuclear or radiation accidents and the risks of illicit trafficking of radioactive sources
AAEA may coordinate between member states to achieve the objective of strengthening their basic infrastructure for Preparedness and Response of Radioactive and Nuclear Accidents, and effective cooperation with IAEA and relevant regional and international organizations in this field.
AAEA seeks to establish an Arab EPR plan for the cases of emergencies. . The plan objectives can be achieved only by collective efforts of Arab countries and international community. AAEA may play a key role in the coordination and implementation of this plan. The plan will enhance the capabilities and capacity of Arab countries to properly respond to radiation emergencies, build their infrastructure, and exchange the relevant information and knowledge. .
As part of implementing “Arab Strategy for Peaceful use of Atomic Energy up to 2020”, AAEA has the following long term projects related to EPR: Strengthening the regulatory and legislative frameworks for nuclear and radiation activities in Arab countries Strengthening the Arab and national capabilities for response to nuclear and radiation emergency Establishment an Arab network for radiation monitoring, early warning, combating illicit trafficking Building capacity of radioactive waste management in Arab countries Introduction of nuclear sciences and technologies in Arab education systems
Need for good regulations Arab countries need to establish, develop and sustain a national regulatory bodies in relation EPR based on IAEA Nuclear Safety & Security Standards and Guidelines. The RB has to be: Independent, Transparent , Efficient, Reliable, Robust, Competent
Need for Safety Networks To ensure that safety, security and knowledge, experience, and lessons learned are made visible and available, through links between Arab RB, To enable and support interaction and collaboration between competent people and organizations relevant to nuclear regulation. Therefore, The Arab Network of Nuclear Regulators (ANNuR) has been established January 2010
ANNuR Hirachy Chair TWG 1 TWG 2 TWG 3 TWG 4 TWG 5 TWG 6 TWG 7 ANNuR Plenary Repres. Of ARBs Chair Steering Committee Plenary TWG 1 Strengthening infrastructure and capacity building TWG 2 Legislation and Regulation frameworks TWG 3 Emergency preparedness and response TWG 4 Radioactive waste management & disposal of spent fuel TWG 5 Safety, Security & Safeguards TWG 6 Information Technology TWG 7 Transport of Nuclear and radioactive Materials TWG 8 Safe Management of Research Reactors
ANNuR has 8 thematic working groups one of them about emergency preparedness and response. The EPR working group has its own action plan including training programmes and technical meetings and get assistance and support from IAEA, KINS, US-NRC, US-DoE, and EU.
AAEA drafted a model national EPR plan and circulated it to all Arab states. Conducted many technical meetings in order to offer the opportunity for the national EPR personnel to meet in order to exchange their experience regarding putting EPR national plans and to discuss ways of harmonization of laws and regulations relevant to it.
AAEA promotes effective coordination and cooperation among Arab and international organizations to ensure synergies and avoid overlapping in the efforts to establish, maintain and evaluate EPR plans that will contribute to the global nuclear safety and security regime.
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