Unit II Crash Course Assignment and Quest
Unit II Test Possible topics for test 1. Joseph Campbell Power of Myth chapter 1 4 functions of myth How to define Examples provided 2. Bible information 3. Bible stories from presentations 4. Paradise Lost 5. “The Cave” 6. “Araby” 7. Greek theatre notes 8. Oedipus Rex Review Friday, 2 Dec Test on Tuesday, 6 Dec
Your own crash course John Green is writing another book and needs someone to sub in for him at Crash Course. You are going to create an “audition video” for your spot as the new host! For this video, you will discuss 2 pertinent quote from Oedipus and offer your analysis of them, making any connections you can to characters, themes, and even modern cultural references. Consider what quotes may be the 2 most important of the entire play and why Your video should be around 2 minutes long. You will video yourself and upload this file to Schoology. Feel free to be creative! If you’re looking for inspiration, watch Saturday Night Live This video is due to Schoology by Thursday, 8 December.