Aim: What is Freud’s theory of personality


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Presentation transcript:

Aim: What is Freud’s theory of personality Aim: What is Freud’s theory of personality? What role does the id, ego and superego play in our personality? Do Now: Quick review – what are the key ideas of the psychodynamic approach? Homework: None 

Our Personality Conscious- things we are aware of. Preconscious- things we can be aware of if we think of them. Unconscious- deep hidden reservoir that holds the true “us”. All of our desires and fears.

Our personality is made up of three parts. TASK: Read and define EACH of the three parts of your personality. Draw a picture to represent EACH Think of a time when your EGO struggled with the dichotomy of the id and superego. Id Ego Superego

Our personality is made up of three parts. Entirely in the unconscious Our hidden true animalistic wants and desires. Works on the Pleasure Principle Avoid Pain and receive Instant Gratification. Id Ego Superego Develops after the Id Works on the Reality Principle Negotiates between the Id and the environment. In our conscious and unconscious minds. It is what everyone sees as our personality. Develops at age 4 or 5 Our conscience Ego mediates between the superego and id.

Check for understanding Id, Ego, Superego

The ego struggles to balance the dichotomy of the id and the superego.

Think of a TV character who illustrates… An overdeveloped ID An overdeveloped SUPEREGO A balanced EGO

Skit Task: In groups of 3. Create a skit/improv that illustrates the role a person’s id, ego and superego would play in a situation/ personal conflict. Some ideas for conflicts: You are at a restaurant and are really thirsty. You notice $ fall out of your friends pocket. Its Black Friday you are at the store and there is only a limited number of items for the super sale but there are a lots and lots of people there too. You are stuck in traffic on the highway. You are on line at a salad bar and you are starving! You really want to borrow your moms favorite necklace, but you think she might not let you.

Aim: What is Freud’s theory of personality Aim: What is Freud’s theory of personality? What forces guide our personality development? Do Now: Quick review from yesterday. What is the Id? Ego? Think of some examples of characters with an overdeveloped Id OR overdeveloped Superego. Homework: None 

What is a Defense Mechanism? ACTIVITY – Watch Clip and define and explain. personality/defense_mechanisms__/index.html

Defense Mechanisms The ego uses defense mechanisms to deal with anxiety caused by conflicts between ID & Superego Moral Anxiety: Guilt over moral behavior when conscious says no, overwhelmed by superego, fear shame and punishment Neurotic Anxiety: When you are overwhelmed by the impulses of the Id. Ego needs to “defend” itself

Defense Mechanisms The ego has a pretty important job…and that is to protect you from threatening thoughts in our unconscious. One way it protects us is through defense mechanisms. You are usually unaware that they are even occurring.

Defense Mechanisms The ego uses defense mechanisms to deal with anxiety caused by conflicts between ID & Superego Moral Anxiety: Guilt over moral behavior when conscious says no, overwhelmed by superego, fear shame and punishment Neurotic Anxiety: When you are overwhelmed by the impulses of the Id. Ego needs to “defend” itself

Using the following scenario - Think of an example for each of the defense mechanisms to explain how Brandon could react to the stress of being dumped. Quarterback of the high school football team, Brandon, is dating Jasmine. Jasmine dumps Brandon and starts dating Drew, president of the chess club. Jasmine Brandon Drew

Denial Not accepting the ego- threatening truth. Brandon may act like he is still together with Jasmine. He may hang out by her locker and plan dates with her.

Repression Pushing thoughts into our unconscious. When asked about Jasmine, Brandon may say “Who?, I have not thought about her for awhile.” Why don’t we remember our Oedipus and Electra complexes?

Displacement Redirecting one’s feelings toward another person or object. Often displaced on less threatening things. Brandon may take his anger on another kid by bullying.

Reaction Formation Expressing the opposite of how one truly feels. Cootie stage in Freud’s Latent Development. Brandon claims he hates Jasmine.

Projection Believing that the feelings one has toward someone else are actually held by the other person and directed at oneself. Brandon insists that Jasmine still cares for him.

Regression Returning to an earlier, comforting form of behavior. Brandon begins to sleep with his favorite childhood stiffed animal, Sajalicious.

Rationalization Coming up with a beneficial result of an undesirable outcome. Brandon thinks he will find a better girlfriend. “Jasmine was not all that anyway!” I really did want to go to ……..anyway, it was too ……

Sublimation Channeling one’s frustration toward a different goal. Sometimes a healthy defense mechanism. Brandon starts to learn how to play the guitar and writing songs (or maybe starts to body build).

Intellectualization Undertaking an academic, unemotional study of a topic. Brandon starts doing a research paper on failed teenage romances.

Some interesting info about Freud’s Theory Read your section

Aim: What is Freud’s theory of personality? Do Now: Take out Chart on Freud’s stages of development. Homework: Analyze a character from Freud’s perspective. Be sure you have THREE terms applied to their lives.

Practice Identifying Defense Mechanisms Worksheet Skits

Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality/ Psychosexual Development Idea of the Libido moving to different parts of our body. Resolve a conflict at each stage Fixation may occur Stages of Psycho-Sexual Development Oral Anal Phallic Latent Genital Sigmund Freud Orangutans Always Play with Little Gorilla’s

Freud's Psychosexual Stages of Development Task: Read about the stages and fill in the chart.

Stage Explain focus of libido Gains Problems Oral Anal Phallic Latent Genital

Aim: What is Freud’s theory of personality Aim: What is Freud’s theory of personality? How does his theory explain the development of a phobia? (Socratic Seminar) Do Now: Take out homework from last night. Homework: None 

Aim: How did Freud develop his theory of personality Aim: How did Freud develop his theory of personality? (To view a biography of Freud’s life and career) Do Now: Take out HW from last night. Homework: Wednesday - Write 8 – 10 sentence reaction to Freud’s Bio Thursday – 40 Pt Quiz Frued (Part I ) Friday, Monday, Tuesday– Watch Lars Wednesday– Part II 60 Pts Lars

Applying Freud’s Theory Choose a character from a movie. Use Freud’s Theory to explain their personality. Id, ego, superego Stages of Psychosexual Development

Freud: Analysis of the Mind Video atch?v=F2F4jII9Pc8 HW – Response to Freud’s Theory Due Tomorrow

Aim: To Review for Thursday’s Test Agenda: Finish Freud Video Take out reaction sheet to film. (HW) Kahoot Quizlet Crash Course Homework: Thursday – 40 Pt Test (Part I ) Friday, Tuesday, Monday – Watch Lars Wednesday – Part II 60 Pts Lars

Crash Course 0 – 8 minutes



Aim: How did Freud develop his theory of personality Aim: How did Freud develop his theory of personality? ow does “Lars and the Real Girl” reflect the psychodynamic approach to behavior? Agenda: Finish Freud Bio - What did you think of Freud after the film? Quick review – how does the psychoanalytical approach explain behavior? Begin Lars Homework: Lars Discussion Questions Due Friday! (HW Assignment)

Aim: How does “Lars and the Real Girl” reflect the psychodynamic approach to behavior? Agenda: Look over Lars and Real Girl Test Part Iv – Writing Assignment Questions Schedule: Wed,Thurs Friday - Watch Film Monday/ Tuesday – In Class Time to Write Responses

Lars and the Real Girl Lars – a lonely, depressed young man Finds “love” with a life sized doll named Bianca What caused this delusion? How is he “treated”

Aim: How does “Lars and the Real Girl” reflect the psychodynamic approach to behavior? Agenda: Go over Part I Test Lars Discussion Begin writing Schedule: Thurs/Fri – In Class Time to Write Responses

Differential Diagnosis

Avoidant personality disorder?   Social inhibition Feelings of inadequacy Extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation Feel socially inept, unappealing Excessively monitor reactions of people

Schizoid personality disorder? Lack of interest in social relationships Solitary, secretive, and emotionally cold Little interest in having sexual experiences takes pleasure in few, if any, activities lacks close friends or confidants other than first-degree relatives appears indifferent to praise/criticism “Dependency and love are dangerous” Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual:

Panic disorder with agoraphobia Remains at home, or in just a few comfortable places fear of having panic attack

Social Anxiety Disorder Social Phobia?   Persistent, intense, and chronic fear   of being judged by others and of potentially being embarrassed or humiliated by one's own actions. Physical symptoms often accompany social anxiety disorder including Panic attacks.

Asperger’s Disorder? Involves an impairment in social interaction Such as impaired in the use of multiple nonverbal social behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction failure to develop peer relationships lack of social or emotional reciprocity

Asperger’s Disorder? B.Restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities preoccupation with an area of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus Adherence to routines, rituals Stereotyped/repetitive mannerisms Preoccupation with parts of objects

Asperger’s Disorder? They may be unusually sensitive or insensitive to sound, light, touch, texture, taste, smell, pain, temperature, and other stimuli

Delusional Disorder Delusion that doesn’t fit another disorder   Tactile or olfactory hallucinations if related to theme Functioning and behavior otherwise normal. Ignore information that contradicts belief

Delusional Disorder Types :erotomanic, grandiose, jealous, persecutory, somatic, … and unspecified.   Psychodynamic: protective response to stress   Behaviors’ Extremeness/inappropriateness rather than the simple truth or falsity of the belief, indicate its delusional nature

Aim: How does “Lars and the Real Girl” reflect the psychodynamic approach to behavior? Agenda: Get a laptop and work Lars Assignment (50 Pts) Underline vocab you use!! Homework: Lars Assignment Due Tuesday. We will work in class Today and Monday on this assignment.

Freud’s Analysis of a phobia in a young boy: The Story of Little Hans Task: Read the case study and answer the questions. Prepare to discuss the validity and ethics of the study.

Aim: What is Freud’s theory of personality Aim: What is Freud’s theory of personality? How do defense mechanisms protect us? Do Now: