Vocabulary Review Lesson The Life of Christ (7) Vocabulary Review Lesson Vocabulary Isagogics: The study of the historical context of the events of the books of the Bible or of their writing. Reversionism: An act or the process of returning (as to a former condition). An act or instance of turning the opposite way. Pharisees: A Jewish sect that fought the Hellenizers in the days of the earlier Maccabees. The name Pharisee, means separated one and was probably given to them by their enemies because their strictness separated them from their fellow Jews as well as from the heathen. Their “loyalty to the truth” and addition of numerous rules which produced pride and even hypocrisy was the perversion that was denounced by Jesus. (Paul was a Pharisee.) Legalism: adding to the Word of God (Pharisees). The Life of Christ (7)
Vocabulary Review Lesson The Life of Christ (7) Vocabulary Review Lesson Vocabulary Sadducees: Denied the authority of tradition and looked with suspicion on all revelation later than the Mosaic Law. They denied the doctrine of resurrection, and they did not believe in the existence of angels or spirits (Acts 23:8). They were largely people of wealth and position, and they cooperated gladly with the Hellenism of the day. In NT times, they controlled the priesthood and the Temple ritual. Liberalism: taking away from the Word of God (Sadducees). Hellenism: devotion to or imitation of ancient Greek thought, customs, or styles. Hedonism: the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the sole or chief good in life. Paganism: following foreign gods, or no religion at all, and/or delighting in sensual pleasures and material goods. The Life of Christ (7)
Vocabulary Review Lesson The Life of Christ (7) Vocabulary Review Lesson Vocabulary Septuagint – The Greek translation of the Old Testament, which was completed during the inter-testmental period. The name comes from the Latin and means the seventy interpreters. Gospel – Means “good news.” The Gospels are so called because they record the good news that a way of salvation has been opened to all mankind through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Mk. 1:1; ICor. 15:3-4 Synoptic – from synopsis, a viewing together or a comprehensive view. Matthew, Mark and Luke are the synoptic Gospels, which record many similar stories, often in a similar sequence and often with similar wording. Canon – Collection of books recognized as inspired and authoritative; comes from the Greek term kanon, which means a measuring stick. The Life of Christ (7)
Vocabulary Review Lesson The Life of Christ (7) Vocabulary Review Lesson Vocabulary Kenosis – literally, to empty out; deals with the reality that Jesus Christ voluntarily restricted the use of His deity and limited Himself to the human experience. Magi -- Near Eastern scholars and astronomers, likely from the Medo-Persian people. Baptism – identification of one object with another. Believer’s Baptism – a ritual that identifies the believer with Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. Repent – to change one’s mind. The Life of Christ (7)