Pull-down UV shade Lights & cameras
Rear-entry suit
Non-adherent materials
Simple forearm controls
Slide-out gloves
Integrated waist
Making the Brooklyn Suit Chunk of glass heated and blown into a helmet. Metal ring heat fused onto the glass. Sheet of plastic molded onto human form and heat fused to itself. Metal ring heat fused onto torso. Elongated leg and arm forms dipped into melted plastic in a larger forms, pulled out and dried. Legs and arms heat fused onto torso and waist. Arms, legs, and feet shorteners placed. Hand form dipped into melted plastic in a larger hand form, pulled out and dried. Metal wires placed within flexor troughs of fingers. Slight deviation of wrists cause flexion or default extension of fingers. Metal sheets bent and soldered into a sealed half-box. Back-pack heat fused onto back of torso. Life-support equipment placed within back-pack. Control panel strapped onto left forearm and connected to the back-pack.