Genisum Every followers of Genisum has to have a pet dog because they believe that dogs can help you in many ways.
The important people of Genisum is Gen the god of science, nature, and knowledge. Gen’s Brother New is the god of war, strength and weapons. Gen’s sister Nun is the god of peace, teamwork and water.
The symbol of Genisum is a chemistry symbol because it shows knowledge and how smart the people that follow Genisum are at science in every way.
The place to worship for Genisum is a temple The place to worship for Genisum is a temple. at the temple you cannot kill any animals for fun. even out side the temple you still cannot kill animals for fun.
The main festival of Genisum is rebelis The main festival of Genisum is rebelis. this festival shows Gen’s victory of the war of rak. at that time, X-wings fly across the skies, battle ships and aircraft carriers sailed across the seas, and rebels march across the land. The rebels were fighting against the government of hello kitty. Gen’s X-wing squadron defeated the hello kitty government forces. The last battle ends in October 12, 2012. Gen decided that the world should live in peace forever.
The follower lives their lives by not killing animals for fun and respecting each other. also they need to love their family.
Genisum is the same to Buddhism because you cannot kill any thing for fun and respect your family and friend teachers.
I respect other religion because then the other religion will respect my religion.
I learned that religions are different in all way By:Gen
References Title: Discovery Author: Discovery Website: Title: World religon Author: Mandy Barrow Website: