Welcome, 2018 Grads! Handouts… One Page Handout Option Selection Worksheet GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS…Compulsory Credits…Grade 10/Grade 11
Jill Badgery (surnames A-G) Sarah Storey (surnames H-O) Student Services Team Jill Badgery (surnames A-G) jill.badgery@ocdsb.ca Sarah Storey (surnames H-O) sarah.storey@ocdsb.ca Rachel Nakashoji (surnames P-Z) rachel.nakashoji@ocdsb.ca
Post Secondary Presentation Student Services Team Post Secondary Presentation WHERE ARE YOU NOW? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? HOW DO YOU GET THERE?
WHERE ARE YOU NOW? GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: Have you submitted 40 community involvement hours? (Due: May 31st, 2018) Have you passed the Literacy Test (OSSLT) or the Literacy Course? Are you on track to earn your 30 credits? (18 compulsory + 12 electives) Review Credit Counselling Summary to verify this information. Check your Credit Counseling Summary online…or check in your first semester report card…
WHERE ARE YOU GOING? Workplace? Apprenticeship? College? University? Work/travel? Part-time studies/work? Gap year to upgrade? Consider your strengths and interests when making a decision. Conduct some research to decide on options.
WHERE ARE YOU GOING? GAP YEAR? WORK? APPRENTICESHIP What programs are available? See your guidance counsellor for tips on resumes, cover letters, interview skills, and letters of reference. APPRENTICESHIP Co-op and apprenticeship programs are a great way to gain experience and make contacts if you are planning to go to work directly after high school.
WHERE ARE YOU GOING? COLLEGE? UNIVERSITY? When choosing a college or university, consider: Programs and requirements Size of university/college Size of city Location within the city Layout of the campus Distance from home Residences and alternative living arrangements Costs
What would you tell your grade 12 self... WHERE ARE YOU GOING? CB - Where are you now? What would you tell your grade 12 self... Emphasizing… YOU need to research the options…the pre-requisites. USE THE PHONE. Important Dates to remember…LISTED on the LDH Website. (Including the October 30th Parents’ Night)
WHERE ARE YOU GOING? COLLEGE Enroll in a diploma, degree, collaborative program 9
WHERE ARE YOU GOING? COLLEGE Prerequisites: OSSD, ENG4C, and others depending on the specific program Portfolios, Program tests (Math, Language, HOAE), and/or interviews are required for certain programs Bachelor degree programs and collaborative programs have university requirements (ex. Bachelor of Interior Design = applied degree, B.Sc. Nursing = collaborative program) Articulation agreements with universities – opportunity to continue from college into degree program 10
WHERE ARE YOU GOING? UNIVERSITY Earn a Bachelor’s Degree (Undergraduate) (ex. BSc, BCom, BA, BFA)
WHERE ARE YOU GOING? UNIVERSITY Prerequisites: OSSD Six 4U or 4M courses (some schools maximum of two 4M courses) ENG4U and specific program requirements Minimum cut-off averages in specific courses for specific programs Portfolios, test results, and/or interviews are required for certain programs
WHERE ARE YOU GOING? BEST RESOURCES Guidance Counsellor CB Guidance Website University and College Lunch Time Visits Twitter @ColByGuidance Join Remind App – CB Grade 12 Emphasizing… YOU need to research the options…the pre-requisites. USE THE PHONE. Important Dates to remember…LISTED on the LDH Website. (Including the October 30th Parents’ Night)
WHERE ARE YOU GOING? BEST RESOURCES Emphasizing… YOU need to research the options…the pre-requisites. USE THE PHONE. Important Dates to remember…LISTED on the LDH Website. (Including the October 30th Parents’ Night) Electronic Info (www.electronicinfo.ca)
Contact the university or college directly WHERE ARE YOU GOING? BEST RESOURCES Contact the university or college directly Open House Personal Tour Admissions Office Emphasizing… YOU need to research the options…the pre-requisites. USE THE PHONE. Important Dates to remember…LISTED on the LDH Website. (Including the October 30th Parents’ Night)
University Information WHERE ARE YOU GOING? BEST RESOURCES University Information Program Evening (UIP) October 24th, 2017 5:00 Parent Presentation 6:15 UIP/YOU Presentation 6:30 UIP Classroom Presentations (3) Emphasizing… YOU need to research the options…the pre-requisites. USE THE PHONE. Important Dates to remember…LISTED on the LDH Website. (Including the October 30th Parents’ Night)
What would you tell your grade 12 self... WHERE ARE YOU GOING? CB - Where are you now? What would you tell your grade 12 self... 17
HOW DO I GET THERE? COLLEGE Apply through www.ontariocolleges.ca Application opens in early October $95 application fee for 5 program choices February 1, 2018 deadline for equal consideration February 1, 2018 colleges may begin sending offers of admission May 1, 2018 deadline to respond University – PIN Numbers will be distributed mid-November Several rounds of admission 40-60% of CONDITIONAL offers are made AFTER mid-term of 2nd semester College – Applications are open early October Application must be submitted around the end of January for Equal Consideration
HOW DO I GET THERE? COLLEGE All offers of admission are conditional offers of admission. Read admission offers carefully and understand conditions placed.
HOW DO I GET THERE? UNIVERSITY Apply through www.ouac.on.ca PIN Numbers will be distributed shortly $150 application fee for three program choices ($50 for additional choices) $50 change fee for new choices – unless new program at same university January 17, 2018 deadline for application University – PIN Numbers will be distributed mid-November Several rounds of admission 40-60% of CONDITIONAL offers are made AFTER mid-term of 2nd semester College – Applications are open early October Application must be submitted around the end of January for Equal Consideration
HOW DO I GET THERE? UNIVERSITY Each university you apply to will provide you with a university specific student portal with a personal login. All offers of admission are conditional offers of admission Read admission offers carefully and understand conditions placed (ex. maintain 80% average)
HOW DO I GET THERE? UNIVERSITY Rolling Admission… Early round of offers in December/January only for select schools based on top 4 or 5 Grade 11 marks (including prerequisite courses) First round of admissions based on grade 11/12 marks submitted to OUAC in February 2018 Second round of admissions in April 2018.
HOW DO I GET THERE? UNIVERSITY Programs with additional requirements (ie., portfolios) take longer for admission offers Courses taken outside of Colonel By must be submitted to counsellors for input (ie. Language, ILC, eLearning Courses) May 29, 2018 latest date to expect a response from Ontario Universities (offer of admission, refusal, deferral) June 1, 2018 deadline to accept offer
HOW DO I GET THERE? UNIVERSITY School-specific: Supplemental application deadlines Ranking of program choices Automatic alternate offers Deferral process and options Scholarships Residence
HOW DO I GET THERE? PROBLEMS? Speak with your guidance counsellor Communicate with the university or college admissions office/registrar
CB - Where are you now? What would you tell your grade 12 self... HOW DO I GET THERE? CB - Where are you now? What would you tell your grade 12 self...
HOW DO I GET THERE? POST-GRADUATE STUDIES Professional Degrees: Medicine, Law, Dentistry, Education, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, etc. Post-graduate Degrees: completed following undergraduate degree Post-graduate Diplomas and Certificates at College
HOW DO I GET THERE? UNIVERSITY OUTSIDE OF ONTARIO Deadlines and application processes must be completed directly through university website Transcripts can be requested through Guidance secretary (OUAC reference number used for many out-of-province schools such as McGill, UBC, Dalhousie) U.S. and other International applications require students to contact guidance counsellor to advise ASAP Common Application: www.commonapp.org EducationUSA: www.educationusa.state.gov
HOW DO I GET THERE? SCHOLARSHIPS University Entrance admission scholarships based on marks (80%+) do not require application Most merit-based scholarships include prerequisite courses in calculations Most universities reassess scholarship offers if admission average increases or decreases Conditions of scholarships are university-specific College No entrance admission scholarships, but many internal/external scholarship opportunities
SCHOLARSHIPS & BURSARIES BEST RESOURCES Colonel By Student Services website www.scholarshipscanada.com www.Yconic.com University and College websites Guidance Counsellor University – PIN Numbers will be distributed mid-November Several rounds of admission 40-60% of CONDITIONAL offers are made AFTER mid-term of 2nd semester College – Applications are open early October Application must be submitted around the end of January for Equal Consideration
HOW DO I GET THERE? POST-SECONDARY EXPENSES Tuition fees range $5,000-$16,000/year, plus books Residence fees $4,800-$15,000 (+/- meal plans) Important to openly discuss options OSAP (estimator tool; loans and grants) www.osap.gov.on.ca
HOW DO I GET THERE? OSAP Update for 2017/18 OSAP for 2017-2018 OSAP includes: grants, bursaries and scholarship and loans. OSAP is a needs-based program. OCAS AND OUAC will link with OSAP for the first time. Students should receive confirmation of their OSAP funding at the same time as they receive conditional offers of admission from colleges and universities *OSAP PRESENTATION: Thursday, OCTOBER 26th @ LUNCH*
HOW DO I GET THERE? OSAP Update for 2017/18 When students are applying through OCAS/OUAC they will be presented with a green OSAP banner asking them to set-up their OSAP account to find out how much funding they will be eligible to receive. If they link their OCAS/OUAC with OSAP, when the 18/19 OSAP application launches (planned for early November), OSAP will pre-populate applications based on student’s info and program selections.
Special Education Support Support services for students with learning exceptionalities will differ from high school An IEP will not be acceptable documentation; current documentation (ex. psycho-educational assessment completed within last 4 years) will be required Research your prospective schools’ student support services, and book appointments to begin the process once an offer is accepted Make the CUT information session: November 15th, 2017
Student Success Support in Post-Secondary First year students struggle with meeting deadlines, essay writing, academic expectations, motivation, and studying. Do not wait until there is a problem to seek support from the university/college – access “Student Success” services– there are many supports/programs in place to help you adapt and be successful.
What would you tell your grade 12 self... HOW DO I GET THERE? CB - Where are you now? What would you tell your grade 12 self...
THANK YOU OUAC pins will be distributed through English classes as soon as they arrive This can be a stressful process. Stay calm. Parents, please be supportive, informed, and realistic. Students, please be informed, realistic, and communicate with your parents.
Jill Badgery (surnames A-G) Sarah Storey (surnames H-O) Student Services Team Jill Badgery (surnames A-G) jill.badgery@ocdsb.ca Sarah Storey (surnames H-O) sarah.storey@ocdsb.ca Rachel Nakashoji (surnames P-Z) rachel.nakashoji@ocdsb.ca
How to sign up for REMIND