Climate Change Cfe Higher Geography
THESE STANDARDS APPLY TO BOTH OF THE GLOBAL ISSUES YOU WILL STUDY To be successful in this unit on climate change you need to be able to do the following: 1 Use a range of graphical and numerical skills and techniques in the context of global geographical issues by: 1.1 Analysing a range of numerical and graphical information 1.2 Reaching a conclusion based on evidence about a complex global geographical issue 2 Draw on and apply knowledge and understanding of significant global issues by: 2.1 Explaining, in detail, the interaction of physical and human factors in the context of a complex global geographical issue 2.2 Explaining, in detail, the strategies adopted in response to a complex global geographical issue THESE STANDARDS APPLY TO BOTH OF THE GLOBAL ISSUES YOU WILL STUDY You will be learning about Global climate change physical and human causes local and global effects management strategies and their limitations
AN INTRODUCTION TO CLIMATE CHANGE Today you will be learning about the difference between climate change and global warming long and short term patterns of climate change evidence that the climate has changed
Think about the following questions… Is climate the same as weather? What does “global climate change” mean? How is climate change different from “global warming?” Have your parents / grandparents or ever mentioned any changes they have noticed in the climate? TASK TIME Discuss these questions with a partner and be prepared to share your answers with the class. Watch the video links (click on each question) and compare your answers with these.
You will be learning about WHAT IS CLIMATE CHANGE? You will be learning about Global climate change the difference between climate change and global warming long and short term patterns of climate change evidence that the climate has changed
You will be learning about WHAT IS CLIMATE CHANGE? Climate change refers to long term shifts in climatic conditions on a global scale. Climate refers to the general weather patterns over a prolonged period of time as opposed to weather which relates to short term / immediate conditions. The term Global Warming refers to recent upward trends in average global temperatures. You will be learning about Global climate change the difference between climate change and global warming long and short term patterns of climate change evidence that the climate has changed
Granparents / parents on climate change ‘Summers are not as good as they used to be’ ‘You would never see daffodils this early in the year’ ‘The lochan used to freeze over in the winter and people would ice skate on it. Some statements contradict the idea that climate is only changing in one regard – getting warmer. It is clear that change has occurred and people have noticed this. This change relates to temperature and other elements such as precipitation. Climate is one of the major influences on human, plant and animal behaviour. You will be learning about Global climate change the difference between climate change and global warming long and short term patterns of climate change evidence that the climate has changed
Is the climate actually changing? Although all aspects of climate are discussed the key element in literature and research that you will learn about is temperature. This has a profound knock on effect to other aspects of climate. So we should start by looking at changes in temperature over the short term. Thankfully we have reliable records for the short term allowing us to easily compare trends over the recent past. You will be learning about Global climate change the difference between climate change and global warming long and short term patterns of climate change evidence that the climate has changed
SHORT TERM CLIMATE CHANGE THINK: What does this graph show? You have a copy in your booklet. It often confuses students. Read the graph carefully. It does not show absolute change.
SHORT TERM CLIMATE CHANGE TASK What has happened to global temperatures? Try to include as much detail as you can in your answer and remember to include exact figures or simple calculations wherever possible.
Is the climate actually changing? So has the climate always been getting warmer? Have you studied anything before that would support / oppose this? Discuss. You will be learning about Global climate change physical and human causes local and global effects management strategies and their limitations
BLIPS are not uncommon THAMES FROST FAIR – 1683/4. THOMAS WYKE
LONG TERM CLIMATE CHANGE NOTE There have been periods / cycles of global warming and cooling regularly throughout the last million years. We are in a warm period at present. The last ice age finished approximately 10,000 years ago. Based on the graph above future ice ages appear inevitable.
LONG TERM CLIMATE CHANGE DISCUSS: How do scientists know what the temperature was like 800,000+ years ago?
How can we tell the climate is changing? TASK TIME For each picture above decide what it represents and explain how it can tell us if the climate is changing.
LONG TERM EVIDENCE OF CLIMATE CHANGE Fossilised Evidence Marine and land based plants and animals indicate what conditions were like in the past. Carbon dating can be used and cold weather species have been found in Northern Europe indicating a very different climate in the past.
LONG TERM EVIDENCE OF CLIMATE CHANGE Changing Landscapes Dramatic landscape features indicated glaciation. Features such as U-Shaped Valleys, Corries and Ribbon Lakes have been carved out via the glacial processes of plucking and abrasion.
LONG TERM EVIDENCE OF CLIMATE CHANGE Pollen Analysis The pollen of each species is unique. If the pollen is preserved (e.g. in a peat bog) it can be identified many years later. The climatic conditions can be inferred from the species of plant.
LONG TERM EVIDENCE OF CLIMATE CHANGE Ice Cover The extent of ice coverage globally is an indicator of changes in global temperatures. Paintings and photos allow comparison in the short to medium term. Repeat Photo Project
LONG TERM EVIDENCE OF CLIMATE CHANGE Ice Cores These trap small pockets of air. Drilling deep into the ice reveals historic conditions as concentrations of different gasses in this air tell us about temperatures in the past. Within the clip there is a discussion about short term climate change. Consider why the term Global Warming has been introduced and what is different about current changes to average global temperatures.
CLIMATE CHANGE Conclusion During this topic we will consider the cause, consequences and management of climate change. While some people believe climate change is a new phenomena others point to longer term changes in climate data. What is not disputed however is that the climate has warmed at a faster rate in modern times and we are in a period where temperatures are on an upward trend. There is general consensus that human factors and the greenhouse effect are influencing this in a way that has not occurred at any time in the past. Global climate change the difference between climate change and global warming long and short term patterns of climate change evidence that the climate has changed