Using Processes
The fork System Call Revisited While fork is called one, it returns twice If successful, it will return a value of 0 to the child process If failed, it will return a –1 and set the global variable, errno After the fork system cal, both the parent and child processes are running and continue their execution at the next statement after the fork
The fork System Call Revisited (continue) To view how to generate a child process, click here The output sequence is dependent upon the scheduling algorithm used by the kernel To view Multiple activities parent/child processes, click here $ a.out PARENT CHILD $
exec’s Minions It is important to remember that when a process issues any exec call, if the call is successful, the existing process is overlaid with a new set of program code The text, data and stack segment of the process are replaced and only the u (user) area of the process remains the same The new program code begins its execution at the function main Some things, by necessity, must change Signals that were specified as being caught by the process are reset to their default action, as the address for the signal catching routines are no longer valid
exec’s Minions (continue.) If the process was profiling (determining how much time is spent in individual routines), the profiling will be turned off in the overlaid process If the new program has its SUID bit set, the effective EUID and EGID are set accordingly If successful, the exec calls do not return as the calling image is lost In a programming environment, the exec system calls can be used to execute another program
exec’s Minions (continue.) The prototypes for the exec system calls, listed in their entirely, are:
exec system call functionality Library Call Name Argument Format Pass Current Environment Variables? Search of PATH Automatic execl list yes no execv array execle execve execlp execvp
exclp system call Include File(s) <unistd.h> Summary int execlp( const char *file, const char *arg0, …, const char *argun, char * /*NULL*/ ); Return Success Failure Sets errno Does not return -1 Yes
exec’s Minions (continue.) For the execlp call to be successful, the file referenced must be found and be marked as executable If the number of arguments for the program to be executed is dynamic, then the system call execvp To view how to use execlp system call, click here % a.out test.txt This is a sample text file for a program to display! %
excvp system call Include File(s) <unistd.h> Summary int execvp( const char *file, const char *arg[ ]); Return Success Failure Sets errno Does not return -1 Yes
exec’s Minions (continue.) To view how to use execvp with argv values, click here % a.out cat test.txt This is a sample text file for a program to display! % a.out cat -n test.txt 1 This is a sample text file for a program to display! %
exec’s Minions (continue.) If argv values of the current program are not used with execvp, then the programmer must construct a new argv to be passed. An example of how this can be done is shown in the following To view how to use execvp with a programmer-generated argument, click here
Using fork and exec’s together The parent process generates a child process which it then overlays by a call to exec To view how to use fork with execlp, click here $ a.out Fie Foh Fum $
Using fork and exec’s together (continue) Shell program that restricts the user to a few basic commands (ls, ps and df) To view the huh? Shell, click here
Ending a Process (continue.) A process normally terminates in one of three ways In order of preferences, this are: It issues (at any point in its code) a call to either exit or _exit It issues a return in the function main It falls off the end of the function main ending implicitly
exit system call Include File(s) <stdlib.h> Summary void exit(int status); Return Success Failure Sets errno no return No return
Ending a Process (continue.) The exit function accepts a single parameter, and integer status value, that will be returned to the parent process The header file <stdlib.h> contains two defined constants, EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE, which can be used to indicate program success and failure respectively
Ending a Process (continue.) Upon invocation, the exit function performs three actions: exit( ) atexit Function Registered? _cleanup( ) _exit( ) Execute the Function yes no
Ending a Process (continue.) The definition of atexit indicates that functions to be called (when the process terminates normally) are registered by passing the atexit function the address of the function The registered function should not have any parameters If the atexit is successful in registering the function, atexit will return a 0, otherwise, it returns a non-zero value
atexit system call Include File(s) <stdlib.h> Summary int atexit(void (*func) (void)); Return Success Failure Sets errno No-zero Yes
Ending a Process (continue.) To view how to use atexit library function, click here When run, the output of the programs shows that the registered functions are called in inverse order $ a.out Getting ready to exit Doing F3 Doing F2 Doing F1 $
Ending a Process (continue.) Programmers may call _exit directly, if they wish to circumvent the invocation of atexit registered functions and _cleanup
_exit system call Include File(s) <stdlib.h> Summary void _exit(int status); Return Success Failure Sets errno Does not return
Ending a Process (continue.) When terminating a process, the system performs a number of housekeeping operations: All open file descriptors are flushed and closed The parent of the process is notified (via a SIGCHILD signal) that the process is terminating) Status information is returned to the parent process (if it is waiting for it). If the parent process is not waiting, the system stores the status information until a wait process is affected All child processes of the terminating process have their parent ID (PPID) set to 1 the process ID of init
Ending a Process (continue.) Shared memory segments and semaphore references are readjusted If the process was running accounting, the accounting record is written out to the accounting file
Waiting on Processes A parent process needs to synchronize its actions by waiting until a child process has either stopped or terminated its actions
wait system call Include File(s) <sys/types.h> <sys/wait.h> Summary pid_t wait(int *stat_loc); Return Success Failure Sets errno Child PID -1 Yes
Waiting on Processes (continue.) Child process present? Wait for Child Process Terminated? Return Status Value and Child PID Returns –1 and Set errno no yes no Block yes
Waiting on Processes (continue.) When a waited-for child process terminates, the status information for the child and its process ID (PID) are returned to the parent The status information is stored as an integer value at the location referenced by the pointer, stat_loc The low-order 16 bits of the location contain the actual information, and the high-order bits are set to zero The low-order bit information can be further subdivided into low- and high-order byte. This information is interpreted in one of two ways:
Waiting on Processes (continue.) If the child process terminated normally, the low-order byte will be ) and the high_order byte will contain the exit code (0-255): If the child process terminated due to an uncaught signal, the low-order byte will contain the signal number and the high-order byte will be 0: Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0 Exit code Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0 signal #
Waiting on Processes (continue.) If a core file has been produced the leftmost bit of byte 0 will be a 1 If a NULL argument is specified for wait, the child status information is not returned to the parent process, the parent is only notified of the child’s termination To view how to use wait, click here for parent process and here for child process
Waiting on Processes (continue.) $ a.out Forked child 3556 Forked child 3557 Forked child 3559 Wait on PID: 3559 returns status of : 0000 Forked child 3558 Forked child 3560 Wait on PID: 3557 returns status of : 0000 Wait on PID: 3560 returns status of : 0000 Forked child 3562 Wait on PID: 3562 returns status of : 0000 Forked child 3561 Wait on PID: 3558 returns status of : 0000 Wait on PID: 3556 returns status of : 0000 Wait on PID: 3561 returns status of : 0000
Waiting on Processes (continue.) $ a.out Forked child 3564 Forked child 3565 Forked child 3566 Forked child 3567 Wait on PID: 3567 returns status of : 0000 Forked child 3568 Wait on PID: 3565 returns status of : 0000 Wait on PID: 3568 returns status of : 0000 Forked child 3570 Wait on PID: 3570 returns status of : 0000 Forked child 3569 Wait on PID: 3566 returns status of : 0000 Wait on PID: 3564 returns status of : 0000 Wait on PID: 3569 returns status of : 0000