Local elections 2012 Facts and Figures As of September 27th
Nomination Applications
Localities according to Nomination Status
Distribution of lists according to localities
Localities according to election status
Elections according to population target
No. Of localities with wining lists by acclamation according to population
Reasons for Rejections
Challenges to CEC’s Decision Out of 32 rejected lists, 15 lists challenged CEC decision. 10 challenges were rejected by courts on technicalities 2 challenges accepted by court. Removal of non compliant candidate from the list 1 challenge accepted by court. List was rejected for falling short of sufficient number of candidates. 1 challenge rejected as court agreed with CEC decision. 1 challenge rejected for legal reason.
Observation Remarks The nature of local elections (Political/Families/mix) Size of localities Amalgamated Localities Elections courts Wining by acclamation
Fairness of Elections Coalition of civil society organizations Monitor, intervene, messages, code of conduct. 2 official complaints submitted on the interference of security force apparatus. Coordination with MOI (Reporting and follow-up) Continuous follow-up with the PM office.
What Next? October 4th the date of list withdrawal October 6th Start of Electoral campaigning October 18th Pre-voting of security forces October 20th Election Day November 24th Second round of elections