Europe: Physical and human geography SS6G7 Locate selected features of Europe. SS6G8 Explain environmental issues in Europe. SS6G9 Explain the impact of location, climate, natural resources and population distribution on Europe SS6G10 Describe selected cultural characteristics of Europe. Europe: Physical and human geography
ELEMENTS Locate on a world and regional political-physical map: the Danube River, Rhine River, English Channel, Mediterranean Sea, European Plain, the Alps, Pyrenees, Ural Mountains, and Iberian Peninsula. Locate on a world and regional political-physical map the countries of France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, Ukraine, and United Kingdom. Explain the causes and effects of acid rain in Germany. Explain the causes and effects of air pollution in the United Kingdom. Explain the causes and effects of the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine. Compare how the location, climate and natural resources of Germany, the United Kingdom, and Russia impact trade and affect where people live. Describe the diversity of languages spoken within Europe. Identify the major religions in Europe: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS Culture: The student will understand that the culture of a society is the product of the religion, beliefs, customs, traditions, and government of that society. Human Environment Interaction: The student will understand that humans, their society, and the environment affect each other. Location: The student will understand that location affects a society’s economy, culture, and development.
THE PHYSICAL FEATURES OF EUROPE Europe lies between the continents of Asia to the east and Africa to the south Europe contains many key physical features: Rivers Danube River Rhine River Major water bodies Mediterranean Sea English Channel Mountains Alps Pyrenees Ural Other landforms Iberian Peninsula European Plain THE PHYSICAL FEATURES OF EUROPE
KEY COUNTRIES OF EUROPE France Germany Italy Russia Spain Ukraine United Kingdom Other countries include: Finland, Sweden, Portugal, Switzerland, Poland, Belgium, and the Netherlands
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN EUROPE Acid Rain Rain mixed with pollutants becomes acid rain Germany faced acid rain problems in the early 1900s due to coal burning and it is caused by factories and chemicals along with continued coal burning today. Acid rain destroys forests, it pollutes rivers and lakes, kills fish and eats away materials for buildings Laws have been put in place to prevent coal burning and to reduce factory chemicals
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN EUROPE Air pollution Caused mainly from emissions from vehicles and from ozone Smog is the worst kind of air pollution, which causes death This problem occurs often in the United Kingdom Chernobyl A nuclear reactor exploded at the Chernobyl plant in the Ukraine in 1986 Toxic radiation stayed in the air and destroyed land and animals 135,000 people were evacuated and 30 killed The area of Chernobyl today is one of the most polluted areas on the planet
LOCATION, CLIMATE AND NATURAL RESOURCES, POPULATION DISTRIBUTION OF UNITED KINGDOM Made up of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Located on a small island Climate Has warm ocean water thanks to the Gulf Stream current Moist climate and has heavy rainfall Natural Resources Coal, Oil, Natural Gas Population Distribution Most people live in the urban cities Many work in service industries like banking, insurance and tourism Some work in steel, iron and electronics
LOCATION, CLIMATE AND NATURAL RESOURCES, POPULATION DISTRIBUTION OF RUSSIA Stretches into two continents (Europe and Asia) Largest country in the world Climate Has a very cold climate Little to no rainfall Not good for growing crops Natural Resources Coal, Oil, Natural gas, lumber Resources are hard to distribute because of the climate Population Distribution Most people live in the western part of the European Plain Many people work in mining, manufacturing and fishing
LOCATION, CLIMATE AND NATURAL RESOURCES, POPULATION DISTRIBUTION OF GERMANY Located in central Europe Climate Has a moderate climate with warm summers and cool winters Great weather for agriculture Natural Resources Coal, iron ore Population Distribution One of the largest populations in Europe Many people live in cities and towns Most work in steel, manufacturing, automobile production and building materials
LANGUAGES IN EUROPE Germanic The most commonly used language in the world Examples are German and English Used in countries like England, Germany, Austria, Romania and Switzerland Romance Language that is based on the ancient Romans Examples are French and Italian Used in countries like France, Italy, and Belgium Slavic One of the oldest languages in Europe Uses a Cyrillic alphabet Examples are Russian Used in Eastern European countries like Russia, Ukraine and Belarus
There are three major religious groups in Europe RELIGIONS OF EUROPE There are three major religious groups in Europe All three religions are based around monotheism Means that there is only one God
JUDAISM Began about 1800 years ago Beliefs are routed in Abraham and Moses as prophets and all Jews are awaiting the Messiah, named Yahweh The sacred book is called the Torah The Old Testament in the Bible Some of the sacred places are the Jerusalem temple, Hebron, Palestine and the burial place of Abraham Many Jews in Europe live in France, the UK, Russia and Eastern Europe
ISLAM Started by the prophet Muhammad in the 7th Century Beliefs based on Abraham and Moses as the original prophets and that Muhammad is the last prophet Allah is the messiah and one true God The teachings are based in the Quran (Koran) The sacred places include Mecca and Medina and Jerusalem Fastest growing religion in Europe Many live in France, Germany, the UK and Eastern Europe
CHRISTIANITY Beliefs based on Abraham and Moses as prophets Began with the birth of Christ in the 1st century Beliefs based on Abraham and Moses as prophets The messiah is Jesus, the son of God The teachings are based in the Bible Sacred places include the Holy Land in Israel Most popular religion in Europe Catholics live in France, Spain and Italy, while Protestants live in Germany and the UK