R&D Topics for FOA Funding Proposals eRHIC R&D Topics R&D Topics for FOA Funding Proposals Discussion with JLAB, 30 September ’16 Prepared by F. Willeke
Priority Priority is not absolute value but refers to the present point in time and to the strategy which suggests how to proceed from here. Required Demonstration of Design Parameter : HIGH (H) Design of critical Components : Low (M) Value Engineering : Medium (M) Upgrade Option for ultimate performance : Low (L)
Hadron Beam Related R&D Technical Subsystems R&D - Study of in situ Cu coating of the RHIC beam pipe and design of the coating “mole” (M) Design of eRHIC crab cavities (M) Fast Kicker Design (for 25GeV injection 20 ns rise time) (M) - IR Magnet design and prototyping (M) Sweet spot IR magnet Magnets with compensations coil Hadron Beam Physics - Ring-ring Beam-Beam Studies (H) - Proton/Ion collimation studies and collimator design (H) - Simulation of low hadron beam energy beam-beam simulation in the Linac-Ring scenario L Crab-crossing simulations, including beam-beam effects (H) Simulation of the interplay of space charge and beam-beam effects, defining maximum L allowable space charge parameter and the luminosity at lower CME for baseline design and for all energy range in the upgraded Ultimate design. Beam Cooling *) CeC Experimental Test Program (L) CeC start-to-end-simulations (L) Further development of CeC and/or micro-bunched electron cooling (If successful, it can unload requirements on the polarized source current) L *) separate funding available
Electron Beam Related R&D LR+RR RF Waveguide HOM coupler design for 650 MHz LINAC RF Cavities (H-M) RR Beam Dynamics Stored Electron Beam polarization studies for beam with opposite spin polarity (H) SR Radiation related Detector Background (H) LR Beam Dynamics FFAG Tolerance study (L) (separate funding) Electron Source Design of a load-lock-system for the cathode of the prototype gun. (M) Large cathode gun R&D (H) Polarized cathode R&D laboratory (H) XHV Cathode Preparation System Component Technology (H) Development of polarized gun laser systems (M) Dry-ice cleaning set up and test for the prototype gun (H) Polarized source: 50 mA gun development (single large cathode or Gatling gun) as cost-saving alternative to the baseline merging scheme (M-L)