Read180-Tuesday 9/4/12 Bellwork in your binder-5 minutes Copy bellwork exactly as written! Then complete the sentence: In looking around at the 3 rotation stations, I think I will most enjoy _____ because...
Read180-Tuesday 9/4/12 Today's Objectives- *To examine how to do bellwork correctly *To learn about the SRI test *To begin reading a novel *To practice 'oral cloze' *To think & write about what we are reading
Read180-Tuesday 9/4/12 Today's Objectives- *To examine how to do bellwork correctly *To learn about the SRI test *To begin reading a novel *To practice 'oral cloze' *To think & write about what we are reading
Read180-Tuesday 9/4/12 Bellwork examination-21 minutes *You will get your first week's bellwork back *I will put up the answer key *You will fix your errors *We will grade the revised bellwork *To think & write about what we are reading
Read180-Tuesday 9/4/12 Bellwork examination-21 minutes *You will get your first week's bellwork back *I will put up the answer key *You will fix your errors *We will grade the revised bellwork *To think & write about what we are reading
Read180-Tuesday 9/4/12 SRI POWERPOINT-23 minutes *We will watch & pay attention to a powerpoint about the SRI test *You will receive a small piece of paper *Write down 3 facts about the SRI *Make sure you get your facts from different places in the powerpoint *We will be playing a game with these facts later
Read180-Tuesday 9/4/12 SRI POWERPOINT-23 minutes *We will watch & pay attention to a powerpoint about the SRI test *You will receive a small piece of paper *Write down 3 facts about the SRI *Make sure you get your facts from different places in the powerpoint *We will be playing a game with these facts later
Read180-Tuesday 9/4/12 JADE GREEN-50 minutes *You will receive your independent reading log-5 min *You will also receive a Jade Green packet *I will show you the 'oral cloze' technique-10 minutes *We will practice the technique using the novel-20 minutes *We will practice using the independent reading log & answer JG questions-10 min
Read180-Tuesday 9/4/12 JADE GREEN-50 minutes *You will receive your independent reading log-5 min *You will also receive a Jade Green packet *I will show you the 'oral cloze' technique-10 minutes *We will practice the technique using the novel-20 minutes *We will practice using the independent reading log & answer JG questions-10 min
Read180-Tuesday 9/4/12 WRAP-UP: 5 minutes Something from today that I need to know more about is... Don’t forget reading homework tonight