Strengthening School Improvement: Developing a Unified & Comprehensive System of Learning Supports to Address Barriers to Learning and Teaching
Many schools are struggling to address barriers to learning and teaching and re-engage disconnected students. Resources currently exist within school districts to address barriers to learning and teaching, but they are most often oriented to discrete problems and specialized services for a small number of students.
Providing an equal opportunity for all students to succeed at school and life requires a broader approach -- one that incorporates a comprehensive and cohesive system of student and learning supports into school improvement plans.
The American Association of School Administrators (AASA), Scholastic, and the UCLA Center for Mental Health in Schools have formed a unique public/private collaboration aimed at expanding leaders' knowledge, capacity, and implementation of a comprehensive system of learning supports. This effort supports AASA's flagship initiative, Educating the Total Child, which is aimed at advocating for an education approach designed to effect real change by addressing key factors that determine children's academic achievement.
About today’s presentation by Howard Adelman and Linda Taylor >Why do schools need a comprehensive system of learning supports? >What is a comprehensive system of learning supports? >What are the implications for school improvement? >A note about emphasizing intrinsic motivation in efforts to engage and re-engage students in classroom instruction ********Opportunities for Moving Forward
We just missed the school bus. \ Don’t worry. I heard the principal say \ no child will be left behind. /
Why is a system of learning supports imperative for school success? Redressing Key Problems Confronting Schools • High student dropout rates • High teacher dropout rates • Continuing achievement gap • So many schools designated as low performing • Plateau effect Addressing barriers to learning & teaching and re-engaging disconnected students
How is the district/school addressing barriers to learning? Psychological Testing Clinic After-School Programs HIV/Aids Prevention Pupil Services Health Services Violence & Crime Prevention Physical Education Special Education Education Health Nutrition Education Juvenile Court Services District School Lunch Program Community-Based Organizations Drug Prevention Counseling Mental Health Services Drug Services Social Services Pregnancy Prevention Codes of Discipline HIV/AIDS Services Smoking Cessation For Staff Child Protective Services Talk about fragmented!!!
What does this mean for the district and its schools? Current Situation at All Levels in the Educational System with Respect to Student/Learning Supports Marginalization Fragmentation Poor Cost-Effectiveness (up to 25% of a school budget used in too limited and often redundant ways) Counterproductive Competition for Sparse Resources (among school support staff and with community-based professionals who link with schools)
Barriers to Learning and School Improvement Range of Learners Instructional Component Classroom Teaching + Enrichment Activity I = Motivationally ready and able Not very motivated/ lacking prerequisite II = skills/ different rates & styles/ minor vulnerabilities III = Avoidant/ very deficient in capabilities No barriers Desired Outcomes (High Expectations & Accountability) (High Standards)
Barriers to Learning and School Improvement Range of Learners Instructional Component Classroom Teaching + Enrichment Activity I = Motivationally ready and able Not very motivated/ lacking prerequisite II = skills/ different rates & styles/ minor vulnerabilities III = Avoidant/ very deficient in capabilities No barriers Desired Outcomes (High Expectations & Accountability) Barriers* To Learning, Development, Teaching (High Standards)
Risk-Producing Conditions that Can be Barriers to Learning Categories of Risk-Producing Conditions that Can be Barriers to Learning >Environmental Conditions -neighborhood -Family -School and Peers >Individual
School Improvement Planning: What’s Missing?
School Improvement: What’s Missing? ASK: HOW DOES SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANNING ADDRESS BARRIERS TO LEARNING & TEACHNG? Direct Facilitation of Learning & Development Student & Family Assistance Besides offering a small amount of school-owned student "support“ services, schools outreach to the community to add a few school-based/linked services. Instructional/ Developmental Component Management Component Governance and Resource Management
Moving from a Two- to a Three-component Framework for School Improvement Moving toward a Comprehensive System of Learning Supports Direct Facilitation of Learning & Development Addressing Barriers to Learning Learning Supports Component Instructional/ Developmental Component Management Component Governance and Resource Management
School Improvement Planning: Filling the Gap A Comprehensive Focus on Addressing Barriers to Learning & Teaching Re-engaging Disengaged Students in Classroom Learning
An Enabling or Learning Supports Component to Address Barriers and Re-engage Students in Classroom Instruction Range of Learners Instructional Component Classroom Teaching + Enrichment Activity I = Motivationally ready and able Not very motivated/ lacking prerequisite II = skills/ different rates & styles/ minor vulnerabilities III = Avoidant/ very deficient in capabilities No barriers Desired Outcomes (High Expectations & Accountability) Enabling Component Addressing Interfering Factors (2) Re-engaging Students in Classroom Instruction Barriers* To Learning, Development, Teaching (High Standards)
About the key facets of the component . . .
Intervention Continuum & Content
Continuum -- Interconnected Systems for Meeting the Needs of All Students: One key Facet of a Learning Supports Component School Resources (facilities, stakeholders, programs, services) Community Resources (facilities, stakeholders, programs, services) Systems for Promoting Healthy Development & Preventing Problems primary prevention – includes universal interventions (low end need/low cost per individual programs) Systems of Early Intervention early-after-onset – includes selective & indicated interventions (moderate need, moderate cost per individual) Systems of Care treatment/indicated interventions for severe and chronic problems (High end need/high cost per individual programs)
Categories of Basic Content Arenas for Learning Supports Intervention Classroom-Based Approaches to Enable Learning Crisis/ Assistance & Prevention Student & Family Intervention Infrastructure >leadership >resource- oriented mechanisms Support for Transitions Community Support Family Engagement in Schooling
Combined Continuum and Content Arenas Levels of Intervention Systems for Promoting Healthy Development & Preventing Problems Systems for Early Intervention (Early after problem onset Systems of Care Classroom-Focused Enabling Crisis Assistance & Prevention Support for transitions Content Arenas Home Engagement in Schooling Community Support Student & Family Intervention
What the student support infrastructure looks like at most schools Instructional Component Leadership for instruction School Improvement Team (Various teams and Work groups focused on Improving instruction) moderate problems Management/Governance Component severe problems Management/ Governance/ Administrator Case- Oriented Mechanisms (Various teams and Work groups focused on management & governance)
Learning Supports Resource Team Assign Leadership and Develop a Learning Supports Resource Team
Learning Supports Staff at a School* >Administrative Leader for Learning Supports >School Psychologist >School Nurse >Pupil Services & Attendance Counselor >Social Worker >Counselors >Dropout Prevention Program Coordinator >Title I and Bilingual Coordinators >Resource and Special Education Teachers Other important resources: >School-based Crisis Team Members >School Improvement Program Planners >Community Resources *Such a list should include a brief description of programs and services and times available
A Learning Support Resource Team Schools say: “We already have a team” But is it Resource-oriented? What you probably have is a Case-Oriented Team (Focused on specific individuals and discrete services) What you also need is a a Resource-Oriented Team (Focused on all students and the resources, programs, and systems to address barriers to learning & promote healthy development)
A Resource-oriented Team A Case-oriented Team A Resource-oriented Team Possibly called: >Resource Coordinating Team >Resource Coordinating Council >School Support Resource Team >Learning Support Resource Team Sometimes called: >Child/Student Study Team >Student Success Team >Student Assistance Team >Teacher Assistance Team >IEP Team
A Resource-oriented Team A Case-oriented Team A Resource-oriented Team EXAMPLES OF FUNCTIONS >triage >referral >case monitoring/management >case progress review >case reassessment EXAMPLES OF FUNCTIONS >aggregating data across students & from teachers to analyze school needs >mapping resources >analyzing resources >enhancing resources >program and system planning/development >redeploying resources >coordinating-integrating resources >social "marketing"
Example of an Integrated Infrastructure at the School Level Instructional Component Learning Supports or Enabling Component Leadership for instruction Leadership for Learning Supports School Improvement Team Learning Supports Resource Team Management/Governance Component moderate problems Management/ Governance Administrator severe problems Work Groups Resource- Oriented Mechanisms Case- Oriented Mechanisms
Enhancing a System of Learning Supports: Connecting Resources Across a Family of Schools, a District, and Community-Wide Learning Supports Resource Team High Schools Learning Supports Resource Team Learning Supports Resource Team Learning Supports Resource Team Learning Supports Resource Team Learning Supports Resource Team Middle Schools Elementary Schools Learning Supports Resource Team Learning Supports Resource Team Learning Supports Resource Team Learning Supports Resource Team Learning Supports Resource Team Learning Supports Resource Team Learning Supports Resource Council Learning Supports Resource Council School District Resources, Management, & Governing Bodies Community Resources, Management, & Governing Bodies
Prototype for an Integrated Infrastructure at the District Level with Mechanisms for Learning Supports That Are Comparable to Those for Instruction Board of Education Superintendent Subcommittees Superintendent’s Cabinet Leader for Learning Supports Component (e.g., assoc.sup.) Leader for Instructional Component (e.g., assoc.sup.) Schools’ Improving Planning Team Instructional Component Cabinet (e.g., component leader and leads for all content areas Learning supports Cabinet (e.g., component leader and leads for all six content arenas) Leader for Management Governance Component (e.g., Assoc. Sup.) Leads for Content Arenas2 Content Arena Work Groups Leads for Content Arenas Content Arena Work Groups Leads, Teams, and Work Groups Focused on Governance/Management
It requires working to restructure, transform, enhance, and connect Summing up . . . Toward a Comprehensive, Multifaceted, & Cohesive Approach for Addressing Barriers to Learning It requires working to restructure, transform, enhance, and connect • school-owned programs and services and • community resources 32
In doing so, the emphasis needs to be on: • all relevant school resources (e.g., compensatory education, special education, general funds, community resources) • all relevant community resources (e.g., public and private agencies, families, businesses; services, programs, facilities, volunteers, professionals-in-training) 33
• weaving resources together in ways that evolve a comprehensive, integrated approach that can enhance effectiveness in addressing barriers to learning at a school • enhancing the role schools play in strengthening students, families, schools, & neighborhoods 34
Finally, a note about emphasizing intrinsic motivation in efforts to engage and re-engage students in classroom instruction
What the best and wisest parent wants for his [or her] own child, that must the community want for all of its children. Any other ideal for our schools is narrow and unlovely; acted upon, it destroys our democracy. John Dewey
Opportunities for Moving Ahead