Easycliner (Motorized Version) Assembly Instruction
Torque Tube Motorized front tube Motorized rear tube Side assembly parts Motor Pin White Washer Hex Flange Bolt 1/4"×38 (7120140001) Self-tapping Screw M7X13 (7120040001) Motor Hex Flange Nut Cotter pin Hex Flange Self-tapping Screw (7120590001) Self-tapping Screw M7X23 (7120060001) Wheel Flipper assembly Spring Hex Head Bolt 1/4"×20(7110040001 ) Frame BRKT Rear motor tube mounting bracket
Use “Self-tapping Screw M7X13 (7120040001)” “Hex Flange Self-tapping Screw (7120590001) ” and “White Washer” to fix“Flipper assembly” on Side assembly parts. Hex Flange Self-tapping Screw (7120590001) White Washer Self-tapping Screw M7X13 (7120040001)
Outside Installing Flipper assembly Side assembly parts Self-tapping Screw M7X13 (7120040001)
Outside Installed View Side assembly parts Self-tapping Screw M7X13 (7120040001) Flipper assembly
Inside Installing Installed View Side assembly parts Flipper assembly Hex Flange Self-tapping Screw (7120590001) White Washer Installed View
Use “Self-tapping Screw M7X13 (7120040001)” to fix “Torque Tube”.
Installation Position of Torque Tube.
Torque Tube installed
Use “Hex Flange Bolt 1/4”×38 (7120140001)” and “Hex Flange Nut” to fix “Motorized front tube”.
Installation Position of Motorized front tube.
Motorized front tube installed Please notice the posture of the tube.
Use “Hex Head Bolt 1/4”×20 (7110040001 )” and “Hex Flange Nut” to fix“Rear motor tube mounting bracket” on Side assembly parts.
Installation Position of Rear motor tube mounting bracket.
Rear motor tube mounting bracket installed.
Use “Hex Flange Bolt 1/4×38 (7120140001) ” and “Hex Flange Nut ” to fix “Motorized rear tube”.
Motorized rear tube installed.
Use “Self-tapping Screw M7X13 (7120040001)” to fix “Frame BRKT” on Side assembly parts.
Frame BRKT installed. Installation Position of Frame BRKT.
Install wheels on Side assembly parts. Self-tapping Screw M7X23 (7120060001)
Step 1 : string two “ Wheel ” by a “Self-tapping Screw M7X23 (7120060001)” as shown.
Step 2: Fix it on Side assembly parts.
Wheels installed
Install Motor Cotter pin Motor Pin
Motor installed
Mount springs
Springs installed
Done !