Welcome to World History! with Mr. Grim
Course Content: 1. Early Humans & River Valley Civilizations 2. Classical India and China 3. Classical Greece & Rome 4. Islam & Africa 5. Byzantine Empire & the Middle Ages 6. Americas, China, & the Mongols 7. The Renaissance & Protestant Reformation 8. Exploration & Scientific Revolution 9. The Middle East, Japan, & China 10. Enlightenment, Revolutions, & Napoleon 11. Industrial Revolution & Imperialism 12. World War I and the Russian Revolution 13. The Age of Anxiety, Rise of Consumerism, and Global Depression 14. World War II 15. The Cold War 16. Decolonization & Globalization
The Class History is ugly – war, greed, disease, death History is beautiful – art, music, poetry, drama History is shocking – genocide, suicide, rape History is history – Be prepared for anything!
Notebooks Keep your notebook current. Most quizzes will be open notes. Be sure to keep up with all handouts and notes taken in class. If absent, see my website or get your missing notes from another classmate. During unit tests, you may also use your spiral notes for 10 minutes determined by Mr. Grim.
Teacher Website & Student Calendar You Are Responsible For Missed Assignments When You Are Absent!!! Every 9 weeks, students will receive a syllabus/calendar Keep up with your 9 weeks calendar that has all required readings and assignments for each 9 weeks. Check my teacher website if absent and see me before/after school or class to get missing work or print it off the website. It is your responsibility to get all of your missing assignments when you are absent. This includes all sporting events, band, choir, etc. NO EXCUSES!!!!!!
Remind If you want to receive reminders about upcoming assignments, tests or projects, use the Remind App and do the following: To receive a text: Send the text @grimw to 81010 To receive an email: Send a blank email to grimw@mail.remind.com
Grading Policy Daily Work: Turn it in on time, if not The class is based on the GISD Grading Policy: 70% Tests, Projects, Major Essays 30% Daily Assignments, Homework, Quizzes Tests: ALL tests will be noted on the class website calendar ahead of time. Check if you are unsure. If a student is absent ON TEST DAY, you must come in the very next class day to make up your test. After 5 days, you will receive a zero. If a student is absent the day BEFORE the test, you are still responsible for taking the test the following class period that it was assigned. Daily Work: Turn it in on time, if not - 10% for the first day - 20% for the second day - 30% credit for the third day - 0 on the fourth day
Test Retakes If a student makes below 70% on a test, GISD Policy allows for the possibility of a retake. The highest grade for a retake is a 70. You only have 5 school days to come in for a retake after receiving graded test from Mr. Grim.
Academic Integrity Policy Students need to be familiar with this GISD Policy that came about because of excessive academic dishonesty within the district. Cheating can keep you from getting the credits you need to graduate and exemptions from semester exams.
Keep Yourself in the Classroom! You may go to the restroom before class AS LONG AS YOU LET ME KNOW! Otherwise, you will be counted tardy. You should not be gone for longer than 5 minutes. After 15 minutes, you are considered truant and will be turned in to the office so be sure to go in a timely manner. You will lose the privilege of leaving class as well. If you are seen roaming the hallways and not going to the restroom, you will also lose the privilege of leaving my class.