Canadian History XI
Canadian History XI This course is designed to help you learn more about Canada and its history. In short, it will examine: how Canada was created and how it has evolved who have been the key figures in its development what has been Canada’s role in the international community.
WW I, Great Depression, WW II, & Modern Issues Units of Study: Pre Unit & Unit One: Canada’s Government, Aboriginal Studies, First Contact, Colonization, & Mercantile Trade Unit Two: New England, New France, Seven Years War, American Revolution, & War of 1812 Unit Three: Rebellions of 1830, Confederation, Westward Expansion, Louis Riel, & Laurier Era Unit Four: WW I, Great Depression, WW II, & Modern Issues Unit Five: Independent Study
5 Major Themes Globalization Development Governance Sovereignty What has been Canada’s place in the community of nations? What should Canada’s role be? Development How has the Canadian economy evolved in an attempt to meet the needs and wants of all Canadian peoples? Governance Have governments in Canada, past and present, been reflective of Canadian societies? Sovereignty How have struggles for sovereignty defined Canada? How do they continue to define Canada? Justice How has Canada struggled for a just and fair society?
Textbook and Course Resources Atlases Canadian History: Voices and Visions Flash Back Canada News Papers CBC- Current Events
Attendance/ Late Daily attendance is vital to this course. Any absences must be verified by a parent / guardian either call the school in order to have their absence registered as excused. Student who surpass more than 6 absences (including excused & unexcused) will lose out on possible exemptions from exams. If you are late, you will only be permitted to enter class if you have an Admit Slip. If you do not have an Admit Slip, you will be marked absent.
Classroom Faux Pas Electronic Devices (keep them in your locker or bags) Cell Phones (Not permitted, will be confiscated given to the main office) Food and Drink (water is permitted) Language (foul language, slurs & inappropriate gestures)
Missed Work Students are responsible for all class notes, lecture material and assignments. In the event of an absence (excused or otherwise), you must obtain notes from my website or another student It is your responsibility to retrieve missed work.
Extensions All assignments are expected to be passed on time. Late assignments will be accepted with a valid reason and an excused absence.
Tests and Quiz’s Quizzes and tests make up a significant portion of your mark. Preparation and studying is imperative for success Notified well in advance Students are required to write tests all tests If a test is missed… Students are required to write a missed test on they day they return.
Plagiarism Be smart and be careful when completing assignments. This is serious stuff. Plagiarism will result in a mark of zero, a phone call home and a possible referral to administration.
Classroom Expectations Preparedness (Necessary materials (i.e. pen, paper, text book etc.)) Participation (Participate in class discussions and to respect the opinions of everyone.) Respect (All students are expected to show respect for those around them.) Washroom / Water breaks (Take them at the appropriate time)
Term Evaluation Units are worth 20% Include: Class mark 70% Breakdown of Semester Mark: Units are worth 20% Include: Tests (Summative) Assignments (Formative) Quiz’s (Formative) Class mark 70% Final exam 30%