UConn Library A Partnership in Research and Teaching New Faculty Orientation Holly Jeffcoat Interim Vice Provost
Research Assistance Subject Specialists Customized service to guide your research and teaching http://s.uconn.edu/liaisons Scholars’ Collaborative/Design Studio Space, expertise, and project management assistance for development of innovative digital scholarship projects http://scholarscollab.uconn.edu Research Data Management Education in methods, consulting on data management, and archiving of valuable research data http://lib.uconn.edu/services/research/research-data Greenhouse Studios Transdisciplinary collective exploring opportunities of scholarship in the “digital age” through a design-based approach http://greenhousestudios.uconn.edu/
Research Assistance Grant Funding Resources Pivot grant funding search - claim your profile today http://pivot.uconn.edu Foundation Directory Online access http://rdl.lib.uconn.edu Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan Scanning on Demand Request service from regional libraries with delivery to home library Member of the 17 academic libraries in the Boston Library Consortium Access to the global resources in WorldCat http://lib.uconn.edu/services/ill
Teaching Assistance Course related materials Course reserves – physical Electronic reserves – links via HuskyCT http://lib.uconn.edu/teach-learn/course-reserves/ Class and subject specific guides http://guides.lib.uconn.edu Finding and using Open Educational Resources http://open.uconn.edu
Teaching Assistance Supplemental instruction spaces https://virtualems.sa.uconn.edu/VirtualEMS ‘Ask A Librarian’ for any questions http://help.lib.uconn.edu Instruction with primary source materials http://lib.uconn.edu/libraries/asc/
What’s New Homer Babbidge Library Master Plan Level 1 upgrades Makers Studio Level 4 Heritage Room New Level 1