Ukrainian National Dish. Borsch.
Ukrainians are big eaters
Proverbs Live not to eat, but eat to live Hunger is the best cook First come, first served Appetite comes with eating Tastes differ
Can you can a can as a canner can can a can ? A good cook could cook a lot of cookies
Game “YES or NO”
Ukrainians eat borshch with sour-cream Galushka is a fruit To loose weight you should eat mlyntsi Salo is a national Ukrainian product We bake pies in the frying-pan Deruny is the second course
Lezhni is a kind of vegetables You eat yushka with a fork Ukrainians like to drink uzvar Cabbage & beetroot are popular vegetables in Ukraine Ukrainians are great coffee-lovers Most Ukrainians are vegetarians
Group the words into the columns РОБОТА НА КАРТКАХ Group the words into the columns
Appetizers Main courses First courses Desserts Herring, green salad, oysters, mushrooms, chicken soup, noodle soup, borshch, varenyky with cheese, roast chicken, mashed potatoes, boiled rice, deruny, ice-cream, hot chocolate, biscuits, apple-pie, whipped cream
1) Exercise 6a (p. 68) 2) Exercise 6b (p. 68) 3) Exercise 7 (p. 69)
1) Exercise 8 (p. 69) Work in pairs 1) Exercise 8 (p. 69) Work in pairs. Ask and answer as in the example 2) Exercise 9 (p. 69) Look, read and choose the right word
Ukrainian borshch recipe
Ingredients for cooking borsh (for a five-litre saucepan) 2 beetroots 1 carrot 1 onion 4 potatoes 1/2 bulbs cabbage 4 tomatoes or 3 tablespoons piquant / pungent tomato sauce or 1 litre tomato juice 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon vinegar (3 %) 3 cloves garlic 3 pieces lard (or pork fat) parsley cooked meat broth (with meat): no less than 3 litre bay-leaf black pepper, pea-shaped (peppercorn) salt
How to cook Ukrainian borsch: Directions: Chop carrots and beetroots fine or grate it, chop onion. Put it into a small saucepan. Add to saucepan 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon butter, some broth or water, 1 teaspoon vinegar. Braise it all for 20 minutes, then add to a saucepan tomatoes and braise again for 20 minutes. In a heavy saucepan with cooked meat broth, put chopped potatoes and cabbage and boil for 10 minutes almost to full readiness. Then add to the saucepan braised vegetable, black pepper (peppercorn) and bay-leaf to taste and boil again for 10 minutes. Rub 3 cloves garlic, combine 3 pieces fine-chopped lard and rubbed garlic; add it all and some parsley to the saucepan.
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