Pablo Picasso 10/25/1881 Malaga, Spain 4/8/1973 Mougins, France
“We all know that art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth, at least the truth is given to us to understand.” Pablo Picasso
José Ruiz Blasco (1838- 1913) Artist
Maria Picasso y Lopez 1855-1939) Picasso grew up in a matriarchal home. This household consisted of his mother, 2 sisters, 2 aunts, his grandmother and a maidservant.
Pablo & Lola
Lola (1899)
Conchita Picasso/Died Jan 10th 1895/Age 8
Pact with God When Picasso’s young sister was dying, he prayed to God that he would never pick up a brush again if He let Conchita live. He was torn between wanting her saved and wanting her dead so that his gift would be saved. When she died, he decided that God was evil and destiny an enemy. His guilt was enormous. He came to believe that he had powers that could affect the world around him. After Conchita’s death, the family moved to Barcelona.
Picasso’s Las Menina’s Painter more important than rest of painting.
Picasso settled in Paris in 1904 Picasso settled in Paris in 1904. He was fascinated by the city’s Bohemian streets. He expressed that human misery by portraying blind figures, beggars, and alcoholics in his paintings. It was at this time that he also experienced the death of a close friend. Hence , the various shades of blue that dominated his work for the next few years. Blue Period 1900-1904 What famous Surrealist painter was born in 1904?
The Old Guitarist
Picasso meets Fernande Olivier, the first of many companions to influence the theme, style, and mood of his work. This happy relationship changed his palette to pinks and reds. Many of the paintings that he painted during this period were drawn from the circus, which he visited several times a week. Rose Period 1904-1905
Lady With Fan (1905)
Paulo his son as Harlequin (1924)
Early Cubism
George Braque Pablo Picasso along with George Braque Surrealist Paul Eluard said of Picasso, he paints like God or the devil.” “I am God,” he was once heard telling himself. George Braque Pablo Picasso along with George Braque painted landscapes made of “little cubes,” leading to the term cubism. The two worked together from 1908-1911. One of the primary goals of cubism was to depart from the traditional understanding of perspective and spatial cues. *Who was Surrealist, Paul Eluard, married to at one time?
Landscape with Bridge (1909)
Bread, Fruit, and Table (1908)
Cubism analytic & synthetic
Analytic Cubism: Is concerned with breaking down and analyzing form and together developed the 1st phase, known as analytic cubism. Monochromatic color schemes were favored in their depictions of radically fragmented motifs, whose several sides were shown simultaneously.
Wilhelm Uhde (1910)
Ambroise Vollard (1910)
Guitar and Violin (1912)
SYNTHETIC CUBISM Analytic Cubism marked the transition to Synthetic Analytic Cubism marked the transition to Synthetic Cubism. This second phase was more decorative and color plays a major role.
The Three Musicians
Synthetic Cubism is the experimental nature of the Collage construction process rather than the analytical process and deconstruction of Analytical Cubism. It is also more decorative and appealing and somewhat easier to interpret. Pasting an actual oil cloth onto the canvas. Braque had begun putting material besides paint on his canvases. He also used sand, sawdust, and iron fillings.
Pablo Picasso died on April 8, 1973. Señor Picasso died without a will. His son Claude was named executor of the estate. His first duty was to find a home for the 76,000 items left at the time of his death. Picasso Museum of Art in Paris
First Wife Olga Khokhlova (1923) Son/Paulo Grandchildren: Pablito, Marina, and Bernard
Mother and Child Birth of his son Paulo led to his mother and child themes.
Francoise Gilot Later married Dr. Jonas Salk She gave birth to claude and Paloma.
Paloma and Claude (1950)
Jacqueline Roque Wife at the time of his death.
In June of this year, a sketchbook containing 33 drawings of Picasso was stolen from the Picasso Art Museum in Paris. The sketchbook has a cover that is titled “Album” in gilded letters. Because of this theft, the museum has been closed until security can be improved. The most recent theft before the June 11, 2009 heist was in February of 2007. This robbery took place at the home of Picasso’s granddaughter Diana Wiamaier Picasso. The two stolen paintings are worth $70 million dollars. The “Album” is worth between $9.8- $14 million dollars. Señora McKay does not know anything!