SESSIONOBJECTIVES To provide an overview of the whole ICX processes
RA – MA – RE THREEMAINPROCESSES RAISE REALIZE MATCH TN Sales and Raising TN Management and Matching Service and Receptions
RA – MA – RE THREEBASICFUNCTIONS RAISE REALIZE MATCH TN Sales and Raising TN Management and Matching Service and Receptions
STRUCTURE Vice President for Incoming Exchange Director for TN Accounts Management and Matching Director for TN Raising and Marketing Exchange Coordinator Director for Service and Receptions
What types of traineeships most in demand? RESPONSIBILITY OF EXCHANGE COORDINATOR Research on the availability and trends of the trainee pool available on AIESEC.net. What types of traineeships most in demand? How long do trainees prefer to stay in the country? When are the trainees interested in arriving in the Philippines? Are there local committees who are interested to do pocket recruitment? All results of this research must be communicated with the whole incoming exchange team, especially to the TN Sales and Marketing. Useful Tools: AIESEC.net DAAL Files Search Tools
RESPONSIBILITY OF TN SALES and MARKETING surveying the companies and organizations that AIESEC to serve the potential matches and realizations. Useful Tools: Internet BOA / Alumni Academics News Surveys Personal Contacts
RESPONSIBILITY OF EXCHANGE COORDINATOR TN SALES and MARKETING Consolidate all research materials in order to target the right countries and corporations/organizations to partnership up with
RESPONSIBILITY OF EXCHANGE COORDINATOR Foster partnerships with different local committees and/or countries who are willing to send their trainees to your local committee. Useful Tools: LC/CY partnership contract
Setting up company calls RESPONSIBILITY OF TN SALES and MARKETING Creating connections with targeted companies (personal contacts, social media, cold/warm calls, job fairs, alumni) Setting up company calls Presenting the GIP to the company/organization Following up the potential partnership Signing the MOA and the TN JQ Assigning a point person from the company to respond to you regarding the partnership Useful Tools: Internet Marketing Letter Presentation Promotional Materials MOA TN Job Questionnaire
Uploading the TN JQ in the system RESPONSIBILITY OF TN MGT. and MATCHING Uploading the TN JQ in the system Double check that the Job Description is attractive and matchable Useful Tools: Internet Accomplished TN JQ AIESEC.net
Receive and respond to applications from interested trainees Useful Tools: Internet AIESEC.net DAAL Search Tools RESPONSIBILITY OF TN MGT. and MATCHING EXCHANGE COORDINATOR TN MGT. And MATCHING EXCHANGE COORDINATOR Receive and respond to applications from interested trainees Look for eligible trainees and invite them to the TN Conducting initial interviews to see if the trainee is truly eligible -Communicate with the TN regarding the potential matches And their own screening process -Utilize partnerships to provide trainees to TNs - Create promotional materials to entice trainees to go to your TNs
File all legal and important files for future use RESPONSIBILITY OF TN MGT. and MATCHING EXCHANGE COORDINATOR Useful Tools: TN Acceptance Note EP Acceptance Note TN MGT. And MATCHING EXCHANGE COORDINATOR Once the TN approves an interested applicant, ask for an acceptance note from the EP Once the EP AN has been sent, send a TN AN (signed by the TN) and turn the form status in myAIESEC.net into MATCHED! File all legal and important files for future use
File all legal and important files for future use RESPONSIBILITY OF TN MGT. and MATCHING EXCHANGE COORDINATOR Useful Tools: TN Acceptance Note EP Acceptance Note TN MGT. And MATCHING EXCHANGE COORDINATOR Once the TN approves an interested applicant, ask for an acceptance note from the EP Once the EP AN has been sent, send a TN AN (signed by the TN) and turn the form status in myAIESEC.net into MATCHED! File all legal and important files for future use
Communicate with the incoming trainee and set reasonable expectations RESPONSIBILITY OF SERVICE and RECEPTIONS Communicate with the incoming trainee and set reasonable expectations Respond to all inquiries of the trainee regarding the country and his/her traineeship Inform him/her of necessary preparations: Visa Applications / Working Permits Accommodations Airport Pick-Up Cost of living Clothes Culture ETC. Useful Tools: Internet Welcome toolkit Flight Tracker Social Media
RE: VISA APPLICATIONS It is advisable that a trainee comes in the Philippines already with a valid visa throughout his/her stay If ever this is not the case, any citizen (except Chinese and Indian) may enter the Philippines for an initial EOC of 21 days, and may be extended upon arrival (P3,030 for 60 days)
Respond to their needs and emergencies RESPONSIBILITY OF SERVICE and RECEPTIONS Prepare welcome events for the trainees. Provide for them a welcome kit inclusive of necessary materials (sim card, map, emergency numbers etc.) Provide a city orientation for them (commuting, important establishments) Assuring that they are well integrated with the LC (invite them to events) Respond to their needs and emergencies Useful Tools: Flight Tracker Toolkit
RESPONSIBILITY OF SERVICE and RECEPTIONS TN MGT. and MATCHING Assuring that both the TN and the trainee are meeting their reasonable expectations from each other and from the hosting LC If ever this is not the case, conduct an investigation and come up with a fair and reasonable action for all parties Useful Tools: MyAIESEC.net Google Docs.
RESPONSIBILITY OF SERVICE and RECEPTIONS Assuring that the trainee has been sufficiently immersed into our culture and prepared to share his/her learning experience here back to his/her country
VP’S ROLES&RESPONSIBILITIES Ensure the development of each ICX subsystem – set goals and assure that all are followed Deliver necessary tools that will ensure growth in quality and quantity of exchanges Represent your LC internally and externally through building effective partnerships Foster and build a culture of exchange
JD: EXCHANGE COORDINATOR Research the supply and demand of EPs on myaiesec.net Fostering country and LC partnerships to provide a sustainable supply of trainees for TN partners Creating and disseminating promotional campaigns and Matching Mania sessions for all TNs and EPs
JD: TN SALES AND RAISING Acquire TN partners who are willing to take in trainees from AIESEC Assure continuity of current partnerships Conducting external market research on which companies are suitable for GIP Create a database of potential TNs Setting up meetings and presenting to TNs Signing a MOA and the TN JQ
JD: TN MGT. AND MATCHING Uploading the TN JQ of current partners Managing forms (promoting and receiving applications) Looking for eligible trainees for TNs Communicating with the TN re: all applications Finalizing matches between the EPs and the TNs
JD: SERVICE&RECEPTIONS Ensuring that all trainees are well integrated in the country Preparing the arriving trainees for their traineeships and expectation setting Arranging legal and logistical requirements of the trainee Continuously servicing all the trainees throughout their stay Reintegrating the trainees prior to their departure