Serviceinfo - the easy tool to distribute operational status messages TNC16 Prague 13th June, 2016 Head of NREN Martin Bech, DeiC
Serviceinfo A service made by DeiC You can have it For free We want to start a community around this service – inspired by FileSender 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
We operate the Danish Research Network, Forskningsnettet 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
DeIC’s services National HPC facilities Research network Data management initiatives E-Science Conpetency Center PR & Community Kaltura Mediasite storage service Research network Point-to-point connections Basic net-related services Serviceinfo End-to-end surveillance MDVPN eduroam iPass Certificates WAYF DKCERT Adobe Connect Videoconferences (H.323) Computing&Storage NREN economy 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
Operational issues – how do you make users aware? The classic ways of sending out messages: Listserv mailing lists Separate text message (SMS) service Status web page Twitter or other social media Usually with one registration method per service and/or medium 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
Serviceinfo: Reach your users with operational status notifications Before Serviceinfo Messages about outages, restoration, service windows etc NOC Listserv noc-list eduroam team Listserv eduroam-list VC operations team Listserv vc-list User …and all the other operations teams Listserv whatever-list 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
Try viewing this from the user’s side What do I subscribe to? I have changed my email or phone number What else can I subscribe to? 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
…or you have all the status messages on one web page If this is your only way of distributing status messages, then: This means users have to pull information They can not get notifications pushed with the messages that are most important to them 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
Sometimes problems don’t come one at a time… Can you still send out messages if you have problems with: The network? DNS servers? Central email-servers? AAI service? The text message (SMS) gateway? You probably need more resilience… 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
Serviceinfo: Reach your users with operational status notifications With Serviceinfo Messages about outages, restoration, service windows etc NOC Also as SMS text messages, RSS feed etc eduroam team VC operations team User …and all the other operations teams 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
Login as a regular user 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
Use federated login… 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
…or use simple login/password …for those of our users who will never use federated login 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
Page with status notifications/operational messages 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
See what channels you subscribe to and subscribe to the channels relevant to you 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
Subscribe to the channels relevant to you Soon also with text message (SMS) gateway 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
Messages are created using templates 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
Access for message authors With stand-alone userid/passwd to ensure this always works – even when the identity federation or the home institution login does not 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
Which authors are allowed to send on which channels 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
Creating a message… 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
…using templates made for each service 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
Preview and confirm 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
Message templates for each service Previously some mails sent from NOC people or on-call colleagues in the night were not always very informative: ”Router XYZ went down, working on it” Now, our prople are reminded to include info about: - When did this happen? - Who is affected? - What is the next step? - Timeframe expectations? - etc? 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
Resilience By placing an extra Serviceinfo server outside the NREN, we get protection against Network problems Text message (SMS) gateway problem Mail server problems 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
An extra bonus: Serviceinfo as a service for our institutions When our connected institutions heard about the Serviceinfo, they also wanted to use it for their own services They also use it to update University Portal websites Signage: Info-screens on campus etc 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
University services 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
Serviceinfo Created by DeiC Coded using license-free components: - PHP (12971 lines) - JavaScript (2797 lines) - CSS (2165 lines) - Perl (350 lines) - PostgreSQL Operation on a standard Linux server (also virtual) Plus a text message (SMS) gateway (Currently a Raspberry Pi) 13-06-2016 Serivceinfo
We propose a community around Serviceinfo Serivceinfo Inspired by FileSender Not for individual institutions As an NREN, you can have it for free However, we hope to create a development community where you contribute either in kind or pay a fair share Please contact me: 13-06-2016