Cognitive Target 3: Careers, jobs and lifestyles Vocabulary & Summaries Contents Given by MEP for “Bachillerato a Tu Medida” english Testing
“Wh” constructions related to Jobs What -What professions do you like? -What does he/she do? -What do you know/think about professions in science? -What do you want to be? Which Which professions are you interested in? Which are the benefits of studying marine biology? How Where Where can a person mayor in engineering? Where can you major as a technician? Why How much does a mechanic earn? Why do you want to be a n artist? How much does a secretary course cost? Why are you studying to be a teacher? Answer the questions in your notebook.
Useful Expressions The university of Costa Rica is better than some of the private ones . is better than It takes four years to graduate with a bachelor’s degree. It takes a lot of effort to graduate in any profession. it takes… to graduate I’m interested in architecture. I’m interested in Let me tell you about a profession/a course/a university/the work environment/the salary/this career let me tell you about I’d like to apply for the mechanic-managerial-dentist-office boy-supervisor-engeneering-doctors- principal position I’d like to apply for You need to fill out the form/application form. You need to fill out Would like to study engineering-math professor/ Would like to work in my department-section- company? would you like to Do you want to enter to the faculty of medicine-education-agronomy- an academy-a technical school-an informal educational system/to Pozuelo-FACO-Lontano/my department/section-team work-company do you want to enter Create examples of your own with each one of the bolded and underlined expressions.
Vocabulary Career: architect dentist agronomist Computer analyst ophthalmologist shoemaker manager pilot driver politician For each job on the chart provide an appropriate skill. Make a numbered vertical list of the jobs and then write the skill next to it in the notebook.. Look at the examples!
Jobs and skills Skills (destrezas-habilidades) Hard Skills: teachable abilities or skill sets that are easy to quantify. Typically learned in the classroom, through books or other training materials, or on the job. -Proficiency in a foreign language -A degree or certificate -Typing speed -Machine operator -Computer programming Soft (blandas)Skills: are subjective skills that are much harder to quantify. known as "people skills" or "interpersonal skills," soft skills relate to the way you relate to and interact with other people. -Communication -Flexibility -Leadership -Patience -Work Ethic -Time management -Team work -Motivation -Problem solving abilities -Persuasion -In your notebook: identify which are your hard and soft skills. Share the information with someone. -Write a ten sentence paragraph explaining which 3 hard and soft skills are more important when looking for a job.