Lubos Jurik, Dusan Huska


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Presentation transcript:

Lubos Jurik, Dusan Huska Sustainable Solutions for Water Infrastructure in Rural Areas Udržateľnosť pre vodné infraštruktúru vo vidieckych oblastiach Lubos Jurik, Dusan Huska Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra Slovakia 8.Novembra 2012

8.Novembra 2012 Falenty Institute of Technology and Life Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 26-28 October 2011

8.Novembra 2012 Falenty Institute of Technology and Life Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 26-28 October 2011

Sustainable development a broader long-term vision Just over one year ago at Lisbon, the European Council set a new strategic goal for the Union: “to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion”. The Stockholm European Council then decided that the EU sustainable development strategy should complete and build on this political commitment by including an environmental dimension. This recognises that in the long term, economic growth, social cohesion and environmental protection must go hand in hand. 8.Novembra 2012 Falenty Institute of Technology and Life Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 26-28 October 2011

Udržateľný rozvoj širšia dlhodobá vízia práve pred rokom v Lisabone, Európska rada stanovila nový strategický cieľ pre Európsku úniu: "stať sa najkonkurencieschopnejšou a najdynamickejšou znalostnou ekonomikou na svete, schopnou udržateľného hospodárskeho rastu s viac a lepšími pracovnými miestami a väčšou sociálnou súdržnosťou" . Štokholm Európska rada potom rozhodla, že EÚ pre trvalo udržateľný Stratégie rozvoja by mali doplniť a nadviazať na tento politický záväzok zaradením environmentálny rozmer. V dlhodobom horizonte, je hospodársky rast, sociálna súdržnosť a ochrana životného prostredia jednotný ciel. 8.Novembra 2012

Improve land-use management Headline Objectives Promote more balanced regional development by reducing disparities in economic activity and maintaining the viability of rural and urban communities, as recommended by the European Spatial Development Perspective. Measures at EU level Assess the coherence of the zoning of different Community policies, taking account of their objectives (e.g. NATURA 2000, less-favoured agricultural areas, areas eligible under the Structural Funds or for State Aids). · Diversify income sources in rural areas, including by increasing the proportion of Common Agricultural Policy funds directed to rural development. · Encourage local initiatives to tackle the problems faced by urban areas; produce recommendations for integrated development strategies for urban and environmentally-sensitive areas. 8.Novembra 2012 Falenty Institute of Technology and Life Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 26-28 October 2011

Zlepšené využívanie územia Hlavné ciele: Podporovať vyváženejší regionálny rozvoj znižovaním rozdielov v hospodárskej činnosti a zachovanie životaschopnosti vidieckych a mestských komunít, Opatrenia na úrovni EÚ: Posúdiť súdržnosť členenia rôznych politík Spoločenstva, s prihliadnutím na ich ciele (napr. NATURA 2000, znevýhodnené poľnohospodárske oblasti, oblasti oprávnené v rámci štrukturálnych fondov alebo štátnej pomoci). Diverzifikovať zdroje príjmov vo vidieckych oblastiach, zvýšením podielu na spoločnej poľnohospodárskej politike a fondov zameraných na rozvoj vidieka. Podporovať miestne iniciatívy na riešenie problémov, s ktorými sa stretávajú mestské oblasti, Odporúčania pre integrovaných stratégií rozvoja pre mestské a ekologicky citlivé oblasti. 8.Novembra 2012

8.Novembra 2012 Falenty Institute of Technology and Life Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 26-28 October 2011

Sustainable development 2009 The current economic and financial crisis has shown that sustainability is also a key factor for our financial systems and the economy as a whole. The crisis is affecting all sectors of the economy, households, businesses and jobs. The latest data show that EU labour markets continue to deteriorate in reaction to the economic crisis. Unemployment is rising, the number of job vacancies is still falling and companies continue to announce substantial job reductions across several sectors. The most vulnerable parts of the labour force are worst affected. 8.Novembra 2012 Falenty Institute of Technology and Life Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 26-28 October 2011

Udržateľný rozvoj - 2009 Súčasná hospodárska a finančná kríza ukázala, že trvalá udržateľnosť je rozhodujúcim faktorom aj pre naše finančné systémy a hospodárstva ako celku. Kríza postihuje všetky odvetvia hospodárstva, domácnosti, podniky a pracovné miesta. Najnovšie údaje ukazujú, že pracovné trhy EÚ aj naďalej zhoršovať v reakcii na hospodársku krízu. Nezamestnanosť stúpa, počet voľných pracovných miest sa znižuje a podniky neustále oznamujú výrazné znižovanie počtu pracovných niekoľkých rôznych odvetví. Najzraniteľnejšie časti pracovnej sily sú najviac postihnuté. 8.Novembra 2012

SUSTAINABILITY AND THE USE OF NATURAL RESOURCES Three pillars (tri piliere): economic growth (ekonomický rast), social progress(sociálny pokrok) environmental quality (kvalita životného prostredia 8.Novembra 2012 Falenty Institute of Technology and Life Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 26-28 October 2011

8.Novembra 2012 Falenty Institute of Technology and Life Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 26-28 October 2011

The CAP towards 2020 Spoločná poľnohospodárska politika In the course of these discussions, the overwhelming majority of views expressed concurred that the future CAP should remain a strong common policy structured around its two pillars. Annual direct payments and market measures are making up the first, multi-annual rural development measures the second pillar. V priebehu týchto rokovaní, drvivá väčšina vyslovených názorov nastala zhoda, že budúca SPP by mala zostať silnou spoločnou politikou štruktúrovanou okolo svojich dvoch pilieroch. - Ročné priame platby a trhové opatrenia, - Viacročné opatrenie v rozvoji vidieka. Environment ?? Životné prostredie?? 8.Novembra 2012 Falenty Institute of Technology and Life Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 26-28 October 2011

Central Europe 8.Novembra 2012

Water supply Slovakia 8.Novembra 2012

Integrated water management The economic aspect: pricing and financing Social and institutional aspects: participation and decentralisation The ecological aspect: regeneration 8.Novembra 2012

Water supply Water pricing New water resources New standards for water quality Water pricing Incoms of inhabitants Private companies and development plans Water resurces Cimate Changes Ground water quality and 8.Novembra 2012

Economical aspects Slovakia 8.Novembra 2012

Water supply Small-scale water supplies are often vulnerable to contamination. In many rural contexts, there is often a lack of integrated approaches regarding water source protection; sanitary protection of drinking-water sources is frequently inadequate; protection zones are often not established; and sometimes owners and users do not know where the water supplied is coming from. Experience has shown that adequate disposal of waste and excreta, wastewater drainage, placement of septic systems, controlling animal access to water supplies and market hygiene in rural communities often pose challenges in rural communities, along with little understanding in the general public of the importance of water resource protection. Especially in rural agricultural areas. 8.Novembra 2012

Zásobovanie vodou Malé vodné zdroje sú náchylné na znečistenie. V mnohých vidieckych oblastiach je často nedostatočný integrovaný prístup z hľadiska vodného zdroja a jeho ochrany; Sanitárna ochrana zdrojov pitnej vody je často nedostatočná, ochranné pásma sú často nestanovené, a niekedy majitelia a užívatelia nevedia, odkiaľ dostávajú vodu. Skúsenosti ukázali, že zodpovedajúce odstraňovanie odpadových vôd, kanalizácie, umiestnenie čistiarní odpadových vôd a ochrana zdrojov pred prístupom zvierat k objektom na zásobovanie vodou a hygiena trhu vo vidieckych komunitách, často predstavujú problémy, spolu s malým pochopením v širokej verejnosti o význame vody ochrana jej zdrojov. 8.Novembra 2012

Water supply Zásobovanie vodou Small-scale water supplies are often more vulnerable to breakdown. Maintenance of infrastructures is frequently limited due to lack of knowledge and understanding, or lack of adequate resourcing (for example, financial and personnel, spare parts or building materials). Malé vodné zdroje sú často náchylnejšie na poškodenie. Údržba infraštruktúry je často obmedzená v dôsledku nedostatku vedomostí a pochopenia, alebo nedostatku primeraného zabezpečenia vodných zdrojov (napr. finančné a personálne, náhradné diely alebo stavebné materiály). 8.Novembra 2012

Conventional Sanitation System 8.Novembra 2012

Sustainable Sanitation System 8.Novembra 2012

Sustainable Sanitation System Options for developing countries Conventional central sewerage systems are not only questioned in industrialized countries but even more so in many developing countries due to their economic, environmental and health situations. Shortages of clean drinking water and health hazards arising from inadequate or absent sanitation facilities, demand alternative solutions. Sustainable sanitation systems are most appropriate for human settlements where no sanitation systems exist, in particular rural settlements and low income quarters of big cities, as well as refugee camps in disaster areas, where hygienic problems due to water pollution from faeces can undermine relief operations. All components needed for a sustainable sanitation system (appropriate toilets and latrine components, biogas plants and greywater treatment facilities) are readily available and have been tested in practice. 8.Novembra 2012

Udržateľný sanitárny systém Možnosti pre rozvojové krajiny Konvenčná centrálna kanalizácia je nielen spochybňovaná v industrializovaných krajinách, ale ešte viac v mnohých rozvojových krajinách vzhľadom na ich ekonomické, ekologické a zdravotné situácie. Nedostatok čistej pitnej vody a zdravotných rizík vyplývajúcich z nedostatočných alebo chýbajúce hygienické zariadenia, vyžadujú alternatívne riešenia. Udržateľné sanitačné systémy sú najvhodnejšie pre ľudské sídla, kde žiadne sanitárne systémy existujú, najmä vo vidieckych sídlach a oblastiach s nízkymi príjmami (štvrti veľkých miest), v utečeneckých táboroch v oblastiach postihnutých živelnými pohromami, kde hygienické problémy kvôli znečisteniu vody z výkalov môžu mať neblahé humanitárne dopady. Všetky komponenty potrebné pre udržateľný sanitačný systém (vhodné toalety a WC komponenty, zariadenia na výrobu bioplynu a zariadení „šedých“ vôd) sú ľahko dostupné a boli testované v praxi. 8.Novembra 2012

Changes over time in the population connected to wastewater treatment facilities, selected European countries, 1980–2003 Zmeny v priebehu času v počte obyvateľov napojených na čistiarne odpadových vôd vo vybraných európskych krajinách, 1980-2003 8.Novembra 2012

Connected to wastewater TP 8.Novembra 2012

Percentage of the population connected to sanitation facilities in urban and rural areas, selected countries in the WHO European Region, 2004 8.Novembra 2012

Urban and rural areas 8.Novembra 2012

FOUR STAGES IN THE TREATMENT OF SEWAGE   FOUR STAGES IN THE TREATMENT OF SEWAGE   Preliminary treatment Involves screening for large objects, maceration and the separation of storm flows.    Primary treatment (sedimentation) Suspended solids are separated out as sludge. Secondary (biological) treatment Dissolved and colloidal organics are oxidised in the presence of microorganisms. Tertiary treatment When a high quality effluent is required. It may involve the removal of further BOD, bacteria, suspended solids, specific toxic compounds or nutrients. 8.Novembra 2012

A Typical Sewage Treatment Works 8.Novembra 2012

Selection of WWTP 8.Novembra 2012

Evaluation of present WWTP in Slovakia Capacity of WWTP Number from this Percent. of unsufficient WWTP Good working Unsufficient Less then 50 EI 4 3 1 25,0 50-500 EI 32 25 7 21,8 500-5000 EI 63 49 14 22,2 5000-25000EI 53 21 39,6 25000- 100000 EI 24 10 58,3 over 100000 EI 8 100,0 Total 184 119 65 35,3 8.Novembra 2012

WWTP and Water quality 8.Novembra 2012

WWTP and Water quality 8.Novembra 2012

WWTP and Water quality 8.Novembra 2012

WWTP and Water quality 8.Novembra 2012

WWTP and Water quality 8.Novembra 2012

WWTP and Water quality 8.Novembra 2012

Conclusions In the field of water supply there is a need to develop the water supply networks, especially in small municipalities and rural areas. It is necessary to raise the access to domestic water supply services in those areas to the much higher levels of large towns. Currently, shallow wells, which are present in nearly all rural households, are the alternative water source, but the sanitary quality of their water is often unsure. 8.Novembra 2012

Conclusions Development of improved water supply systems must be accompanied by an adequate development of sewage disposal and water treatment systems. If this does not happen, the paradoxical situation will emerge that the development of safer water supply systems in rural areas and small municipalities creates new threats to the environment and public health. Lack of funding is the biggest obstacle to improving water supply, sewage disposal and water treatment systems. 8.Novembra 2012