requisite Checking system The Requisite Checking system was designed to assist advisors and students in verifying the student has met the prerequisites for a course before registration.
The ‘Check Prerequisites’ Button is located in Acinquire under the Student’s Name on their Main Page.
Enter the Course Prefix and Course Number. Click on the Check Prerequisites button.
The course and prerequisite information will be displayed The course and prerequisite information will be displayed. If the student has met the prerequisite, ‘OK’ will appear at the end of the prerequisite description.
During preregistration, the system assumes the student will successfully complete and meet any minimum grade requirements for courses for which they are registered. For example, a student wishes to enroll in QM 262 for the Spring 2014 semester. QM 262 has a prerequisite of ‘MTH 109 or equivalent’. The student is currently enrolled in MTH 109 in the Fall 2013 semester. During Spring 2014 preregistration, the system will allow the student to register for QM 262 as it assumes the student will successfully completed MTH 109. After grades are posted, the QM department will be responsible for verifying the student passed MTH 109.
If the student did not meet the prerequisites, ‘not met’ will appear at the end of the prerequisite description. If there are multiple requisites, the system will not indicate which one is unmet.
Departmental Override of a Course Prerequisite If the student does not meet the prerequisites for a course, the department of the course may grant an override which will allow the student to register. Please note: Overrides do not register students for a course. It only gives the student the ability to register for the course if there is a seat available when they attempt to register. If an override is granted for a course it overrides all prerequisites for the course. Overrides are for the course and all sections of the course. Overrides are for only one term. Overrides can be granted only by the department offering the course. The ability to place overrides begins as soon as the Schedule of Classes is posted and ends after First Week. Students cannot be added via reserve card if they do not meet the requirements. An override for the course must first be placed on the student’s record via Acinquire before the reserve card can be entered.
If the prerequisite system cannot determine if a student has met the prerequisite, the student is provided the department of the course and contact information so they may work with them to determine eligibility.
Corequisites: Corequisites are courses in which a student must either be enrolled or have previously completed in order to register for the course. Corequisites are not checked during preregistration. Departments are responsible for checking corequisites after grades are posted. Concurrent Enrollment: A course which has a requirement of concurrent means the student must be registered for both courses. For example, SCI 501 has a prerequisite of concurrent enrollment in ETE 550. This means the student must be registered for both SCI 501 and ETE 550 in the same semester.
If a prerequisite is scheduled to change, the student and advisor will be provided with the current and future version of the prerequisite and/or corequisite.
Students are also provided a tab within Webster as a way to check whether they have met the prerequisite for a course.
Similar to Acinquire, the student enters the course prefix and course number.
The results of the check are displayed after they click the ‘Check Prerequisite’ button. Note the disclaimer regarding the prerequisite check below the ‘Check Prerequisites’ button.
Questions regarding the prerequisite check system should be directed to: Andy Kindler, Registrar 677-3107