Welcome to English III Advanced With Mr. Jones
In Advanced English III we will be studying the literature of America from the time of settlement in the 1600’s thru modern times.
As opposed to many traditional high school classes this class is taught thematically; we will explore the literature of American from an historical perspective looking at major themes as they appear in American literature.
Thematic Units of Study Unit I: An American Sampler Unit II: The Spirit of Independence Unit III: War and Protest Unit IV: Human Nature/The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly Unit V: Coming of Age in America Unit VI: What is the American Dream?
Texts that we will read include, but are not limited to: The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail The Scarlet Letter The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The Glass Menagerie, Death of a Salesman, and A Raisin in the Sun The Crucible Various selections from the textbook
The IRA In addition to the previous mentioned texts and readings the students will complete a minimum of two independent reading assignments, IRA’s. These will be based on student selected books and will require that the students read the book and complete a series of activities as laid out in the assignment instructions.
The fun does not end there The fun does not end there. In addition to the required class assignments and readings, there is the highly anticipated Georgia High School Graduation Test and the End of Course Test.
Both tests are state mandated Both tests are state mandated. The EOCT counts for 15% of the grade for this class and will be prpared for throughout the semester.
Advanced English III is a demanding and busy class; I want both parents and students to be aware of what is expected -- there will be a great deal of both reading and writing required for this class.
Most of the reading and preparation of reports and projects will be done outside of class. Expect homework on almost a nightly basis and on weekends.
How can you help? The best way for you to support our students is to facilitate good study habits and a solid work ethic. Ask your student if he/she has any homework. Check Infinite Campus and discuss yours student’s progress with him or her. Talk to your student about what he or she is doing in class.
Thank you for coming to our open house for the winter/spring semester ’09 and I look forward to speaking with you in the future…hopefully for all the right reasons.