Start and End Dates Employees working summer session must be paid within the summer session Payroll Periods. Contract Dates cannot start before May 22, 2017 or extend beyond August 12, 2017.
Examples on the following slides. PAYMENT DISTRIBUTION The statement above means that the employee’s payment will be split over the number of days in the corresponding payroll periods. Examples on the following slides.
Payment by Dates Example 1 – Full Payment In One Payroll Period The above contract dates fall entirely within the first payroll period. The employee will be paid the entire salary of $3136.80 with the 6M payroll, June 30th paycheck.
Payment by Dates Example 2 – Payment Over Two Payroll Periods The above contract spans 31 total days in 2 separate payroll periods. The contract indicates a total of $3136.80, Divided by 31 equals $101.19 per day. Three (3) days fall in the first payroll period, 6M payroll. The Employee will receive a payment for those 3 days of $303.57 in the 6M payroll, June 30th pay date. The remainder of the payment $2833.23 will be paid in the 7M payroll, Aug 1st pay date.
Payment by Dates Example 3 – Payment over Three Payroll Periods The above contract dates spans 65 days in all three payroll periods. The contract indicates a total of $3136.80, Divided by 65 equals $48.26 per day. Due to the Payroll Period Dates, the employee will be paid for 17 days in the 6M, 28 days in the 7M, and 20 days in the 8M . Employee will be paid $820.42 in the 6M, June 30th pay date. Employee will be paid $1351.28 in the 7M, August 1st pay date. Employee will be paid $965.10 in the 8M, September 1st pay date.
Questions? Please contact us in HR at 2204 or if you have additional questions.