Bruce Vandal Senior Vice President
A SINGLE MISSION Working with states to significantly increase the number of college graduates and close attainment gaps
44 The Alliance COMPLETE COLLEGE AMERICA Central Valley Higher Education Consortium CUNY DC Complete College Arizona Consortium Houston Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands Puerto Rico Thurgood Marshall College Fund Consortium
Students are … Taking too much time Taking too many credits Spending too much money Not graduating
4.9 4.4 3.6 Time to Degree 2-Year Associate 4-Year Bachelor’s 4-Year (Full-Time Students) 2-Year Associate 4-Year Bachelor’s 4-Year Bachelor’s (non-flagship) (flagship/ very high research) 4.9 4.4 3.6 4 Years Standard 4 Years Standard 2 Years Standard 120 Credits Standard Four-Year Myth
80.9 134.6 133.5 Excess Credits 2-Year Associate 4-Year Bachelor’s (Full-Time Students) 2-Year Associate 4-Year Bachelor’s 4-Year Bachelor’s (non-flagship) (flagship/ very high research) 80.9 134.6 133.5 60 Credits Standard 120 Credits Standard 120 Credits Standard Four-Year Myth
13% 43% 68% 150% Graduation Rates 2-Year Associate 4-Year Bachelor’s (Full-Time Students) 2-Year Associate 4-Year Bachelor’s 4-Year Bachelor’s (non-flagship) (flagship/ very high research) 13% 43% 68% IN 3 YEARS IN 6 YEARS IN 6 YEARS Four-Year Myth
West Virginia Community and Technical College Students Take Longer to Graduate, Take More Credits to Degree and Have lower 3 year graduation rates
On-Time Graduation Rates (Full-Time Students) 2-Year Associate 4-Year Bachelor’s 4-Year Bachelor’s (non-flagship) (flagship/ very high research) 5% 19% 36% ON TIME ON TIME ON TIME Four-Year Myth
7% 200% Graduation Rate 2-Year Associate IN 4 YEARS (Part-Time Students) 2-Year Associate 7% IN 4 YEARS 15 to Finish National Report, CCA
West Virginia Community and Technical Colleges Slightly lower on time completion rates. Slightly higher 200% time graduation rates for part time students
The Game Changers and Scaling Standards THE CCA WAY The Game Changers and Scaling Standards Corequisite Support Math Pathways GPS Direct Purpose First 15 to Finish Returning Adults
The Game Changers and Scaling Standards THE CCA WAY The Game Changers and Scaling Standards Corequisite Support
Corequisite Support DC CVHEC States at Scale in Coreq States Currently Moving Coreq to Scale States Committed to Scale Coreq by 2018
Traditional Remediation Results English Math
One Semester Scaled Results Traditional Remediation National Avg. for Gateway Course Success after 2 years 22% English Math
Corequisites result in dramatic improvements in gateway course success TBR Community College Gateway Math Success in One Year
Successful Corequisite Students – Pass Almost All Courses Unsuccessful Corequisite Students – Pass Very Few Courses Students who Pass Corequisites Pass Almost All Their Courses Students who Fail Corequisites Fail Almost All Their Courses Regardless of ACT
The Bottom Line Students Who Pass Corequisite and College-Level – Regardless of ACT - Pass Almost All Their Courses Students Who Fail Corequisites and College-Level – Regardless of ACT - Fail All Their Courses The Challenge is Not Academic Readiness, But College Readiness
The Tennessee Story Virtually 100% Corequisite at all state universities and community colleges in Fall, 2015-16 Transferable Math Pathways Quantitative Reasoning Statistics College Algebra/Calculus All Students Choose a Meta-Major Implementing Academic Maps for all Majors Building Proactive Advising Systems
Students earn more credits and persist at higher rates For example at community colleges: Retention rates increased from: 47% to 63% at community colleges 73% to 79% at the state universities. Credit accumulation in the first year improved from 19 credits to 22.6 credits
The Game Changers and Scaling Standards THE CCA WAY The Game Changers and Scaling Standards Corequisite Support S Math Pathways
Few Students Complete Gateway Math in First Year 20% 55%
West Virginia Community and Technical College Students Have Lower Percentages of Students Completing Gateway Math in the First Year, but . . . but . . . . . .Corequisites are probably helping.
Students Who Don’t Complete Math Early, Graduate at Low Rates
College Algebra’s Purpose Is Preparation for Programs Requiring Calculus
Math Is Aligned to Majors Meta-Major Gateway Math Program Classics Performing Arts Cultural Studies Humanities Arts Quantitative Reasoning Social Sciences Health Sciences Business Psychology Political Science Communications Statistics/Modeling Welding Carpentry Technical Certificate Programs Technical Math Civil Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemistry Engineering Hard Sciences College Algebra/Pre-Calc/ Calculus
Math Pathways Houston CCA/Dana Center Math Pathways States Other Statewide Initiatives
The Game Changers and Scaling Standards THE CCA WAY The Game Changers and Scaling Standards Corequisite Remediation Math Pathways GPS Direct Purpose First
GPS Direct: Essential Components DO THIS Purpose First: Informed Choice & Meta-Majors Academic Maps w/ Critical Path Courses & Aligned Math Default “One-Click” Registration Proactive Advising
Academic Maps
Default Scheduling Default Registration
Having a direct route is important, but you first have to know where you are going
Proactive Advising Proactively advise students when they . . . Register for courses that are not on their academic map. Struggle in a critical path course. Drop a course on their academic map. . . .In order to get them back on their path or onto a new path – hopefully without a significant addition to their time and credits to degree.
Guided Pathways Racine Dayton Boston CUNY Denver Houston GPS at Scale Campus-based Initiatives: CCA and AACC Lumina-CCA Talent Hubs
The Game Changers and Scaling Standards THE CCA WAY The Game Changers and Scaling Standards Corequisite Remediation Math Pathways GPS Direct Purpose First 15 to Finish A Better Deal
Full-time Students Taking 15+ Credits Per Semester Most students DON’T take the credit hours necessary to graduate on time. Full-time Students Taking 15+ Credits Per Semester
West Virginia Community and Technical Colleges Have Lower Percentages of Students Taking 15 Credits a term or 30 credits a year.
The Power of 15 Credits: More students graduate when they complete 30+ credits in their first year.
% First-Time, Full-Time Students Enrolled in 15+ Credit Hours (1st semester)
Complete College America Resources
Fifteen to Finish DC CVHEC Statewide Initiatives States with Campus-Based Initiatives States Committed to Scale in 2017
The Game Changers and Scaling Standards THE CCA WAY The Game Changers and Scaling Standards 15 to Finish Corequisite Remediation Math Pathways GPS Direct Purpose First Returning Adults
Credentials of Value Needed by 2025 Wanted: A Better Deal 27 Million Some College, No Degree 6 Million More Credentials of Value Needed by 2025
Game-Changers for Adult Students Structured Schedule Coach Credit for Competency Career Relevance
Where Do I Start?
ESTABLISH THE CONDITIONS to catalyze change A Comprehensive Success Strategy ESTABLISH THE CONDITIONS to catalyze change Form a Beliefs Compact Create a Diverse Team Set Attainment and Equity Goals Collect and Disaggregate Data Align Funding to Outcomes
We believe…
The Game Changers and Scaling Standards THE CCA WAY The Game Changers and Scaling Standards 15 to Finish Corequisite Support Math Pathways GPS Direct Purpose First Returning Adults EQUITY: RACE, INCOME, AGE
The Game Changers and Scaling Standards THE CCA WAY The Game Changers and Scaling Standards 15 to Finish Corequisite Support Math Pathways GPS Direct Purpose First Returning Adults EQUITY: RACE, INCOME, AGE METRICS AND EVIDENCE
The Game Changers and Scaling Standards THE CCA WAY The Game Changers and Scaling Standards 15 to Finish Corequisite Support Math Pathways GPS Direct Purpose First Returning Adults EQUITY: RACE, INCOME, AGE METRICS AND EVIDENCE POLICY
The Game Changers and Scaling Standards THE CCA WAY The Game Changers and Scaling Standards 15 to Finish Corequisite Support Math Pathways GPS Direct Purpose First Returning Adults EQUITY: RACE, INCOME, AGE METRICS AND EVIDENCE POLICY COMMUNICATIONS
The Game Changers and Scaling Standards THE CCA WAY The Game Changers and Scaling Standards 15 to Finish Corequisite Support Math Pathways GPS Direct Purpose First Returning Adults EQUITY: RACE, INCOME, AGE METRICS AND EVIDENCE POLICY COMMUNICATIONS HIGHLY-STRUCTURED IMPLEMENTATION DESIGN
ESTABLISH THE CONDITIONS to catalyze change A Comprehensive Success Strategy ESTABLISH THE CONDITIONS to catalyze change Form a Beliefs Compact Create a Diverse Team Set Attainment and Equity Goals Collect and Disaggregate Data Align Funding to Outcomes RESTRUCTURE SYSTEMS to improve outcomes and narrow gaps ADVISORS 15 to Finish Momentum Year Academic Maps and Proactive Advising Math Pathways Corequisite Support FACULTY
STUDENT MOMENTUM In the first year of enrollment students who. . . Earn 30 Credits in First Year Complete Math and English Gateway Courses Enter a Program of Study Complete 9 Program Credits . . . Are far more likely to graduate.
THE MOMENTUM YEAR Focus Game Changer Implementation to Create Student Momentum: Ensure students make an informed choice of a program or a meta-major Default first year schedule adding up to 30 credits and 9 credits in a program path Default placement into gateway math and English – with corequisite support for those who need it.
ESTABLISH THE CONDITIONS to catalyze change A Comprehensive Success Strategy ESTABLISH THE CONDITIONS to catalyze change Form a Beliefs Compact Create a Diverse Team Set Attainment and Equity Goals Collect and Disaggregate Data Align Funding to Outcomes RESTRUCTURE SYSTEMS to improve outcomes and narrow gaps ADVISORS 15 to Finish Momentum Year Academic Maps and Proactive Advising Math Pathways Corequisite Support FACULTY DEPLOY TARGETED INTERVENTIONS to permanently close gaps Monitor Impact of Game Changer Scaling to Drive Continuous Improvement Adult and Underserved Student Strategies
Colleges and Universities National News Media Colleges and Universities 72 44 36 10 19 46 58 85
equity of opportunity for all people Our New Mission? Empowering a movement by advancing proven strategies to ensure equity of opportunity for all people to complete postsecondary credentials of value – preserving access to The American Dream.