Little Hoole Primary School Parent Information Evening SATs 2017
Aims of the session To share important information about KS2 SATs To answer any questions about KS2 SATs Share ideas about how you as a parent can help your child at home
What are KS2 SATs? Standard Assessment Tests All children have to be tested before they go to high school Provide assessment information for high schools Purpose – measure progress and give a marker as to a child’s attainment (Scaled scores)
Instead they will be given a scaled score What level should Y6 children be at? We no longer assess children using National Curriculum levels so this is a bit of a redundant question. But that doesn’t help any of us when thinking about where children should be. Instead they will be given a scaled score (i.e. a score based around 100. Below 100 is below the standard, above 100 is above the standard) For each test, each pupil will be given: a raw score (number of raw marks awarded) a scaled score confirmation of whether or not they attained the national standard This video explains how progress will be measured for children this year compared to their NC levels in Y2
How is SATs week organised? A timetable is issued to school, telling us on which days/sessions tests must be administered. All children must sit the tests at the same time. Test papers can only be opened 1 hour before the tests begin but will usually only be opened at the start of the test.
Sample SATs Timetable During SATs week: Please ensure that your child is in school every day during SATs week. Ensure that they are in school on time Please don’t book anything during this week e.g. doctor’s appointments, holidays etc If your child is ill, let us know immediately.
English SATs English SATs consist of: A reading test A grammar and punctuation test with a separate spelling test
Reading There is one reading test for all abilities 1 hour to read booklet and answer questions. There will be 3 texts and sets of questions which are all different difficulty levels. There are a variety of different questions to be answered in different ways Children cannot have any adult help in this test
Reading There are 4 main types of questions on the reading paper: Literal – answer is there in the text Deductive – look for clues Inferential – read between the lines Authorial intent – e.g. why does an author use a particular word
‘A Day in the English Countryside’ Sentence from: ‘A Day in the English Countryside’ As the afternoon light started to fade, the cow stopped eating grass, stood instead with its head over the gate and gazed expectantly down the lane. How light was it? (Literal) What three things did the cow do? (Literal) What time of day was it? (Deductive) Where was the cow? (Deductive) What do you think the cow was expecting? (Inferential) What strategies does the writer use to give the reader so much information in a single sentence? (Authorial intent)
How can parents help with reading? Ensure your child reads every night! Encourage them to read fiction and non-fiction. Try to ask them questions about the text. Help them with the different skills of reading especially ‘skim’ reading where they are looking for key words in the text. Speed reading
Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation New in 2013 45 minutes test on grammar Spelling test is separate. Worth 20 marks out of 70. Can affect the overall level obtained.
Two written test papers Paper 2 - Reasoning and Paper 3 - Reasoning Mathematics Mathematics SATs consist of: A written arithmetic test Paper 1 (replacing the Mental Maths test. This is a 30 minute test worth 40 marks Two written test papers Paper 2 - Reasoning and Paper 3 - Reasoning 40 minutes per test Each worth 35 marks This year, there will not be a calculator test.
Mathematics Some questions are worth one mark and therefore accuracy is important. Other questions are worth two marks and even if the answer is wrong, a mark may be given for correct working. Teachers may read questions in both written papers to pupils if asked.
Typical Arithmetic questions 3844 + 100 = 9.9 - 0.3 = 2 x 9 x 5 = 200 x 400 = 1 12 + 1 5 = 3 7 + 9 14 =
TIMES TABLES! How can parents help with Maths? Support with homework – not just helping with the Maths but reading the question can really help. TIMES TABLES! Help your child to check their work through – this will help them to spot mistakes that can sometimes be easily fixed. Go through some practice questions using the Youtube videos (Link at the end of presentation)
Useful Websites
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Click the picture to go to the website
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Questions?? Thank You For Coming!