Civic Engagement in Action: SCORE Joan Rudd Ed Sped 350: Teaching Students with Exceptional Needs at the Secondary Level, Spring 2010 Instructor Name: Dr. Michael Humphrey Community Partner Name: SCORE Mission Statement: To effectively integrate the positive elements of athletic participation with the critical need for supplemental reading and education mentoring in underserved schools. Service Project Purpose: I was a mentor to at-risk students at Sliver Sage Elementary, providing educational assistance and companionship for students in the Homework Club. I worked with small group of students on their schoolwork, as well as helping them build intrapersonal skills such as self-confidence, motivation, and self-determination. Learning goals: This service learning project is intended to assist student mentors in gaining a deeper insight into at-risk students. This opportunity comes while working with organizations whose service-delivery models strive to enhance post-secondary outcomes, educational, social, and/or familial services for these at-risk youth. Service Activities: Score is a volunteer, non-profit community outreach program that targets and provides support for the at-risk students in our public schools. Student mentors provide classroom support for lunch-time and after school programs using a network of volunteers. I assisted with teaching and supervising students in a small group setting as they worked on various educational assignments such as reading and math where extra help was needed. I also developed a positive mentor relationship, including listening, encouraging, motivating and rewarding my students who I now consider my young friends. Reflection: Working with the 5th grade students at Silver Sage was a great opportunity to explore the characteristics of working with students who have been found to be at-risk in their school experience. They seemed eager to have an adult spend time listening to their stories and experiences as well as helping them with learning. I learned different methods of adapting teaching methods and using accommodations such as audio supports and using counting cubes for math. I had opportunities to help them with personal issues such as self-control and suggestions for better social behaviors. It is obvious that these students greatly benefit from positive individual contact with mentors. One boy in particular made significant progress after testing my intentions and many weeks later, I felt that our connection allowed me to influence a troubling social issue. With promptings and praise, we privately worked on it each week until he was on his way to a huge improvement in an area. Busy teachers and disconnected parents may miss these important moments and I feel that this program is valuable in providing another layer of love and guidance. Some teachers were better than others at being prepared for our help and in requesting feedback but they appreciated and needed the support of this program. A more thorough pre and post evaluation meeting with the teachers would improve communication, expectations and results. I believe our communities have a vested interest in preparing a strong, successful generation and SCORE could also recruit mentors such as retirees and volunteer time from business employee mentor programs.