User preferences for coworking space characteristics Minou Weijs-Perrée ( Jasper van de Koevering Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek Theo Arentze
Introduction The growth of new types of multi-tenant offices sharing facilities/services, cost savings and knowledge spillovers Increased popularity of coworking spaces
Introduction Academic research is still limited Little is known about user preferences The aim of this study is: ‘To analyse the user preferences of coworking space characteristics and the influence of user characteristics on these preferences’
Motivations for working at a coworking space Community Professional support Collaboration Coworking space Social interaction Affordable Vibrant atmosphere
Methodology| Data collection instrument User characteristics Top 3 motivations User preferences Work-related characteristics Business sector # Hours working in coworking space User group Position in organisation Socio-demographic characteristics Gender Age Education level
Methodology| Data collection instrument Attribute-based stated choice method Accessibility Layout Diversity in spaces Atmosphere & interior Events Lease contract Tenant diversity Reception & hospitality
Methodology| Attribute based stated choice method The experimental design 27 profiles/alternatives Questionnaire nine choice sets 3 versions randomly distributed Attribute Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 None of these options Accessibility By car By car By public transport Atmosphere/ interior aesthetics Homey Industrial Layout of the space Open layout Closed layout Diversity in supply spaces Standard Reception and hospitality No reception and no host Reception but no host Events None Sometimes Diversity of tenants Strong diversity Moderate diversity Lease contract Long term Short term No contract ○ ●
Methodology| Data collection procedure 66 coworking spaces in NL were approached 25 coworking spaces 16 coworking spaces were visited personally 219 useful questionnaires
Methodology | Mixed multinomial logit model Analyze user preferences of coworking spaces characteristics A mixed multinomial logit model (MMNL) A very efficient discrete choice model It is able to capture unobserved heterogeneity A constant utility parameter the alternative ‘none of these options’ A random parameter was estimated for each attribute Multiple MMNL models were estimated with interaction variables (e.g. age * accessibility by car) entered in the model as non-random parameters
Results | Motivations
Results | Model (goodness of fit ρ2= 0.2376) Attributes Attribute level Coefficient Random parameters Constant 1.365*** Accessibility By car and public transport 0.693*** Atmosphere and interior aesthetics Industrial -0.163*** Layout of the space Open layout 0.051 Type of lease contract No contract 0.362*** Diversity of tenants No diversity of tenants -0.331*** Reception and hospitality No reception and no host -0.220*** Non-random parameters By car -0.939*** By public transport (reference) 0.246 Modern -0.302** Homey (reference) 0.465 Half open layout 0.328*** Closed layout (reference) -0.379 Short term contract -0.048 Long term (reference) -0.314 Moderate diversity of tenants 0.168*** Strong diversity of tenants (reference) 0.163 Reception but no host 0.172*** Reception and active host (reference) 0.048 Events None -0.182*** Sometimes Often (reference) 0.014 Diversity in supply spaces Basic coworking space -0.061 Standard coworking space 0.123** Premium coworking space (reference) -0.062
Results | Influence of user characteristics Attributes Attribute level Coefficient Interaction parameters Accessibility Age (≥ 35 years) * By car and public transport -0.222** Age (≥ 35 years) * By car 0.562*** Manager * By car 0.193* Atmosphere and interior aesthetics High education level * Modern 0.353*** Type of lease contract Age (≥ 35 years) * No contract 0.300* High education level * Short term contract 0.463*** Self-employed * No contract 0.352** Hours working (≥ 20 hours) * No contract -0.406**
Results | Total utility of attributes
Conclusion Owners or managers could: Create a vibrant and creative atmosphere with homey interior A half-open lay-out with workstations for different work activities Not focus on selecting a specific group of tenants A coworking space without a coworking host A fitness centre and bar are not preferable for coworkers Monitor the needs and preferences and adapt to these preferences
Limitations and future research Characteristics of the current coworking spaces were not taken into account By using the attribute stated choice model, hypothetical choices were measured Differences between different types of multi-tenant offices, with regard to user preferences A larger dataset with data of coworking spaces in different countries could increase the generalizability of the results 4-9-2018
Appendix 1 | Sample characteristics % Mean St. deviation Gender Male 68 Female 32 Age 34.6 11.2 < 24 years 16 25-34 years 39 35-44 years 25 > 45 years 20 Education level Low education 14 High education 86 Position in organization Supporting staff 3 Regular employee 22 Manager 8 Board/owner 42 User type Self-employed worker, freelancer or entrepreneur 54 Employee of company (2-10 employees) 18 Employee of company (11 or more employees) Student 12 Hours in coworking space 21.3 14.3 Transport to coworking space By car 51 By bike Walking 5 By public transport
Appendix 2 | Model results 1 Attributes Attribute level Coefficient Random parameters Constant 1.365*** Accessibility By car and public transport 0.693*** Atmosphere and interior aesthetics Industrial -0.163*** Layout of the space Open layout 0.051 Type of lease contract No contract 0.362*** Diversity of tenants No diversity of tenants -0.331*** Reception and hospitality No reception and no host -0.220*** Non-random parameters By car -0.939*** By public transport (reference) 0.246 Modern -0.302** Homey (reference) 0.465 Half open layout 0.328*** Closed layout (reference) -0.379 Short term contract -0.048 Long term (reference) -0.314 Moderate diversity of tenants 0.168*** Strong diversity of tenants (reference) 0.163 Reception but no host 0.172*** Reception and active host (reference) 0.048 Events None -0.182*** Sometimes Often (reference) 0.014 Diversity in supply spaces Basic coworking space -0.061 Standard coworking space 0.123** Premium coworking space (reference) -0.062
Appendix 3 | Model results 2 Attributes Attribute level Coefficient Interaction parameters Accessibility Age (≥ 35 years) * By car and public transport -0.222** Age (≥ 35 years) * By car 0.562*** Manager * By car 0.193* Atmosphere and interior aesthetics High education level * Modern 0.353*** Type of lease contract Age (≥ 35 years) * No contract 0.300* High education level * Short term contract 0.463*** Self-employed * No contract 0.352** Hours working (≥ 20 hours) * No contract -0.406** Distns. of RPs. Std.Devs or limits of triangular Constant 3.266*** By car and public transport 0.328*** Industrial 0.273*** Layout of the space Open layout 0.288*** No contract 0.859*** Diversity of tenants Basic coworking space 0.378*** Reception and hospitality No reception and no host 0.464***