Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Mr. Royer
Maslow’s Hierarchy Abraham Maslow-an American Psychologist Theorized that everyone has the basic drive to achieve their fullest potential Created this model to explain why we make the choices and decisions we do
1. Basic Needs Oxygen Water Food Sleep
2. Safety Needs Home/Shelter Clothing Money Protection/Security Laws/Order
3. Love & Belongingness Needs To be loved To give love Family Friends
4. Esteem Needs Feel good about yourself Goals Attention Achievement Status Responsibility Reputation
5. Self Actualization Needs Be all that you can be Personal growth Self-fulfilment
The Rules of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs You must fulfill the lower levels first A person will do whatever it takes to meet the next level If you Lose a level, you drop to the next level of comfort* * Depends on support group-friends and family