EMEP collaboration MSC-West: Ozone critical levels (CLs) development and modelling ozone fluxes at European and global scale: 16 species-specific flux-based.


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Presentation transcript:

EMEP collaboration MSC-West: Ozone critical levels (CLs) development and modelling ozone fluxes at European and global scale: 16 species-specific flux-based CLs (PODYSPEC) 5 vegetation-type specific flux-based CLs for use in large-scale modelling, including IAM (PODYIAM): crops, forest trees (Med. and non-Med.) and (semi-)natural vegetation (Med. and non-Med.) Improving and validating soil moisture index used in EMEP model Comparison of N concentrations in mosses and modelled N deposition EMEP/MSC-West, TF HTAP: Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR): Global metrics for climate change, human health & crop/ecosystem research April-June 2017: Submit papers to Elementa (online journal) mid- to late 2017: Publication of papers and release of the data the Extended Bureau WGE, 20-21 March 2017, Geneva

TOAR members 220+ scientists from 36 nations, representing research on all 7 continents Extended Bureau WGE, 20-21 March 2017, Geneva

EMEP collaboration TF HTAP: food production discussions, providing global ozone flux data and scenarios, attending HTAP workshops TF/CIAM: implementation flux-based approach in GAINS, attending TF meetings MSC-East: Comparison heavy metals in mosses and modelled deposition Extended Bureau WGE, 20-21 March 2017, Geneva