The impact of English in Mexico
The impact of English in Mexico Mexican government
Learning English in Mexico ", in which he reveals a dramatic 79% of high school graduates have total ignorance of the language and 18% do not get the level expected by the education authorities. This, despite the fact that there are programs teaching English in school since 1926 and the National English Program in Basic Education (PNIEB) since 2009
Developing this ability in the population is essential for generating, attracting and retaining talent and investment. It is for this reason that IMCO has participated since last year in the "English for competitiveness and social mobility" initiative, a working group involving social, academic and business organizations. This initiative seeks to promote an agenda of public policies aimed at increasing the level of English proficiency in the Mexican population.
The benefits of having a better knowledge of English should be apparent to the authorities. In aggregate terms, the English can be a tool to raise the productivity and competitiveness of the business environment of the country.
The impact of English in Mexico EDUCATION
English may not be the most spoken language in the world, but it is the official language in a large number of countries. It is estimated that the number of people in the world that use in English to communicate on a regular basis is 2 billion! Mexico it’s a country with a low level of education, therefore, the teaching of English in Mexico at an early age can only be given in education pay . Having a wide range of primary and secondary schools that teach the language , which vary the cost of their services. Also a portion of professionals working on their own.
* Global language of communication Is our international language so we can use it to communicate to the other who can speak. * Opportunities Can be prepared since junior high school to face the globalization era. Is to better a persons life through knowledge and assist them later in life.
* Professional development English is the dominant business language and it become almost a necessity for people if they are to enter a global workforce. * Opportunity travel You won’t have to worry about getting lost when you travel to an English-speaking country, as you’ll easily be able to ask for directions, and taking guided tours, ordering food and chatting to the locals will no longer be a source of stress.
* Exchange experiences Not necessary if a person who travel to other countries to talk English, can found someone who talks English.
The impact of English in Mexico THE TRADITIONAL MEDIA
The rise of English in this century has been considerable The rise of English in this century has been considerable. This is due to the global trends in technology, Demography and economy. Given that English is one of the most widely used languages around the world, many times it is referred to as the "global language", the "lingua franca" of the modern era.
Hundreds of millions of people are learning English, the language of the planet for the trade, technology and, increasingly, for power. The study of English, the universal language, it has become almost obligatory to university level, and work in all parts of the world.
No matter what you want to do or be, the importance of English is essential in any field of the personal or professional life: is the language used mostly in international business and tourism and has become the second preferred language in the world. Is the tool that enables communication with people from other countries within the globalized world in which we live. In the economic field, industry, business, international trade, the entire universe productive typing will speak and read in English.
In addition, English is the language of the telecommunications (with 80 per cent of the information stored electronically). Of the estimated total of 40 million Internet users, 80% communicates currently in this language. Most of the sites are edited in English. In addition, the percentage of users of the network that are not native English speakers is growing rapidly, especially in Asia.
In short, it is recognized that the dominance of the English language has become an increasingly pressing need as a means of global communications, as essential tool of access to sources of information and indisputably to compete in this globalized world.
The impact of English in Mexico POPULAR CULTURE
Due to the fact that Mexican schools is implemented teach English, day to day students, children and young people know a little more about this language. This makes that are interested in some customs that has in the United States for example: Halloween Thanksgiving Day
The English impacts also in cinema, since many movies that are transmitted in Mexico are not dubbed into Spanish, but with subtitles. The people are listening to the pronunciation of words and phrases in English when they see the movies.
The English music has influenced in a big way in Mexico, since many people listen to music in English and not in Spanish, artists like Maddona, Katty Perry and Rihanna have influenced a lot with English in their songs. Also any Latin artists such as Shakira and Ricky Martin that are the most heard in Mexico, now not only recorded songs in Spanish, but also in English.
The Mexican culture is very extensive and beautiful, but with the passage of time people have adapted another type of customs or have been interested in other celebrations of countries that speak the English language, for example the United States, as the English greatly influences what people look, listen, read and do, that is why the English impacts in the cinema, music and literature in Mexico.
The impact of English in Mexico Internet
In Mexico, in a local context, it is immersed in a transformation of national identity, with negative effects of mass media. It is interesting to delve a little into this type of web sites, whose origin is found precisely in the United States, which has drenched us their "culture" through mass media.
In Mexico, like other countries, it was until 1994 that marked the end of the Internet as unique technological apparatus of academic institutions. The trade was initiated. And it was not until 1995 that the Mexican newspaper "La Jornada" first appeared on the Web, showing the new possibilities of the Internet to the mainstream media, leading to an explosion of new Internet connections throughout Mexico.
Internet influences dramatically in Mexico, the American culture in particular, the English language television series, movies, award ceremonies, sporting events, food, technology, fashion and identity.
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