The Americas: The Aztec & the Inca The Americas on the Eve of Invasion Aztec = Mesoamerica Inca = South America (Andes)
Toltec Heritage (#1) Many Aztec traditions and cultural practices were adopted from their predecessors, a group known as the Toltecs. The Toltec established a capital at Tula in central Mexico (Mesoamerica) in 968 C.E. They had a strong militaristic ethic and practiced human sacrifice for the appeasement of their many gods. Aztecs viewed them as the “givers of civilization”. Toltec dominance continued in Mesoamerica (Middle America) until about 1150 C.E. They helped establish numerous city-states that vied for control of the region.
Toltec Art This stone panel depicts an eagle consuming a human heart. The eagle was meant to represent the sun, the Toltec and Aztec highest deity. The sun needed energy and strength to survive the perilous journey each night through the underworld to rise again the next morning. This strength came in the way of human hearts and blood.
The Aztecs (read p.238)
The Aztecs (#3) According to their own accounts, the Aztecs were one of many wandering people groups in Mesoamerica. They were viewed by others as fanatical, zealous followers of their gods and were highly skilled in warfare. This made them both feared and valued by others. Many other Mesoamerican peoples did not trust the Aztecs due to their intense spiritual ideas, but saw them as a potentially powerful ally in their wars against other tribes. The Aztecs rotated between temporary alliances with other groups for military aid and isolation due to their extreme religious ideals. This all continued until 1325.
Rise of the Aztecs (#4) Aztec mythology states that they migrated to Lake Texcoco in central Mexico c. 1325 There they founded the city of Tenochtitlan in 1325, which would become their capital. Their empire started in 1434 after they signed an alliance with two other city-states for security from hostile neighboring cities.
Aztec Government (#2 and 5) City-states were ruled by a “speaker” chosen from the nobility. The Great Speaker, ruler of Tenochtitlan, was in effect an emperor Increasingly considered a living god Conquered city-states were often left unchanged if they recognized Aztec supremacy and met labor and tribute obligations This system was a success because the Aztec emphasized political domination and not necessarily direct administrative control. Subjected people groups provided the Aztecs with taxes and tribute (food) and most importantly, sacrificial victims.
Aztec Religion (#6) Aztec religion, like many others before them, were polytheistic and animistic. Aztecs worshipped many of the already existing, traditional deities of Mesoamerica 128 major deities, and several lesser manifestations of those dieties. Huitzilopochtli (right) was the chief Aztec god and patron deity of the cult of warfare and sacrifice. He was embodied in the sun. Aztecs took pre-existing human sacrifice tendencies and expanded them as a tool of political terror and religious devotion.
Aztec Religion (#6 and 7) Aztec religion can be organized into three main cults of worship. 1)The cult of fertility, centered on the rain god Tlaloc. 2) The cult of creation that worship creator dieties. 3) The cult of warfare and human sacrifice. Human sacrifice was not only important, but necessary to return thanks to the gods for their provision and provide strength for the sun god to fight evil nighttime forces.
Human Sacrifice Human sacrifice was a typical part of Mesoamerican religion Aztec expand the practice into a cult where the military supplied war captives for sacrifice. Why? Political purposes Religious devotion
Human Sacrifice
Aztec Art Aztec religious art and poetry are filled with images or descriptions of flowers, birds, and music, along with sacrificial elements such as human hearts and blood are also depicted as the “precious water” needed to sustain the gods.
Tenochtitlan On an island in Lake Texcoco Aztecs called it the “foundation of Heaven” By 1519 had a population of 250,000 Connected by causeways, canals, and bridges
Tenochtitlan “The Venice of the Americas
Aztec Economy (#8 and 9) Agriculture Food often provided as tribute Built chinampas (“floating gardens”) Pochteca was a special merchant class which specialized in long-distance luxury trade like exotic bird feathers, cacao, textiles, and gold. Cacao beans and gold dust were used as currency; bartering was most common The state redistributed the vast amounts of tribute brought in, and levels were assigned based on whether the subjected peoples had accepted Aztec rule or fought against it. Nobles received far more than peasants. (#9) 17’ long x 100’ to 330’ wide 20,000 acres of chinampas
Chinampas 17’ long x 100’ to 330’ wide 20,000 acres of chinampas Chinampas were man-made floating islands 17’ long x 100’ to 300’ feet wide. Aztecs built over 20,000 acres of chinampas. Crop yields were extremely high, as many as four corn crops per year.
Aztec Society (#12) Women’s primary role was the household Women spent six hours a day grinding corn due to technological limitations; restricted women’s rights. Weaving skill was highly valued. Marriages were arranged for young girls by parents. Polygamy existed amongst the nobility but peasants were monogamous. Women could inherit property.
Military Organization (#11) Aztec military was highly skilled and organized, divided into various ranks based on experience and success in taking war captives. (#11) The military was highly ritualized with different ranks like “Eagle” and “Jaguar” knights with distinctive uniforms. Similar ranked warriors fought together and did not mix with other ranks. Banners, cloaks and symbols marked off the distinct military ranks. The Aztecs had impressive weapons despite their technological limitations, like the maquahuitl and atlatl. Diagram on p.242 ----- Meeting Notes (11/4/15 15:24) ----- Nicolas Cage
Aztec military ----- Meeting Notes (11/4/15 15:24) ----- Nicolas Cage
Aztec Weapons Maquahuitl Atlatl
The “Flowery Death” (#10) *In Aztec society, certain deaths were seen as more noble than others. Soldiers who died while trying to take captives for human sacrifice were seen as giving their lives for the honor of their gods. Also, women who died in childbirth gave their lives for the well being of the empire. *A flowery death ensured eternal bliss in highest levels of the afterlife.
Twantinsuyu: World of the Incas (#15) At roughly the same time that the Aztecs flourished in Mesoamerica, another American empire rose to prominence in South America. The Inca Empire stretched over 3000 miles along the spine of the Andes mountain chain. From modern day Colombia in the north to Chile in the south and eastward into Bolivia and northern Argentina.
Rise of Inca Founded by Quechua-speaking clans living near Cuzco c. 1350 Inca (ruler) Pachacuti expanded the empire from 1438-1471 Built Machu Picchu Expansion continued after Pachacuti’s death
Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu
Conquest & Religion (#16) The Inca empire expanded for common reasons like economic gain and political power. Another reason for military conquest was fueled by the Incan worship of their dead ancestors and the idea of split inheritance (p.246) Temple of the Sun in Machu Picchu
Temple of the Sun Built in honor of Inca sun god, Inti, in the capital of Cuzco. It housed the bodies of seven deceased and mummified Incas adorned with golden décor.
Inca Religion (#17) Along with the intense worship of ancestors, the Inca were polytheistic and animistic. Sun God (Inti) was the primary god. Animistic Mountains, rivers, etc. were considered holy shrines (huacas).
Inca Mummification Mummification was a type of burial heavily employed by the Incas. It represented a deep respect for older generations and kinship within communities. Mummies were frequently removed from their resting place and consulted for advice or blessing on marriages, planting, or warfare.
Inca Government (#18) The Inca (emperor) was considered almost a living god. The empire was divided into four provinces, each ruled by a governor picked by the Inca. Developed a bureaucracy run by nobles. Local rulers could maintain their positions so long as they remained loyal to Inca. The Incas spread their language (Quechua) and used roads to unify their empire. Colonized conquered areas through resettlement. Relocated some conquered peoples
Inca Economy(#20) Unlike Aztecs, there was not a lot of trade. Tried to be self-sufficient. Primarily agricultural Terrace farming & complex irrigation Over 200 types of potatoes Inca Socialism (p.248) Used forced labor for massive projects Mita (p.248)
Terrace Farming
Self-sufficient communities provided for by the state??(#19) The Incan government believed heavily in the idea of reciprocity. They expected labor from the communities throughout their empire which would help build roads, bridges, temples, schools, etc. (Mita system) The state would provide the materials needed for construction and goods that communities could not provide easily.
Inca Society Inca emphasis on military reinforced gender inequality. Women worked in the fields, wove cloth, and cared for the household Women worshipped fertility deities Recognize parallel descent Women passed rights and property to their daughters
Incan Accomplishments (#21) Built a complex system of roads and bridges 25,000 miles of roads Used a system of imperial runners to carry messages throughout the empire Craftsmansip included beautiful pottery, cloth, and goldsmithing Quipu Stone masonry
Bridges and Roads
Inca Goldsmithing
Inca textiles