Poetry, Prose and the Satyricon Leah Aspinwall
Poetry in Ancient Rome/Greece Poetry was more common than prose Mysterious--Inspired by gods Oral Literature Pre-literate society Appealing patterns Alliteration, rhyme, rhythm, repetition, etc.
Prose Poetry had to lose social and professional functions In 8th Century BCE, prose was adapted The Satyricon Its length begged for this, meter would be difficult Associations with modern-day fiction Narrative techniques
Menippean Satire Combines prose and poetry The Satyricon uses a “modified” version Satyricon ≠ Menippean Satire Low-Comedy uses short poems Petronius uses epic meter and short poems
Overall... Petronius: Uses poetry and prose “Synthesizes”, uses a “distinct hybrid”, was “ambitious” Composes Vulgar Latin Difficult/impossible to make into verse (esp. Dinner Party Episode) Mocks poetry??
Citations Sarah Ruden. 2000. Petronius Satyricon. Hackett: Indianiapolis. ISBN 9780872205109.