‘How, and why, some teachers of mathematics are engaging with using ICT in their mathematics lessons’.
Why this area of study? The lack of use in mathematics is an issue that has been picked up by Ofsted over the years and there appears to have been little change, in spite of the advances in technology and the greater resources placed into schools. Little research about the mathematics teachers who do use ICT.
External factors Access Curriculum Training Support Ethos
Internal drivers Are those who use IT more: Proactive Self-directed Social constructivists? Less ‘transmissionist’ as teachers? Hold less ‘sacred’ views of the subject?
My research questions: the big ideas Why do some teachers use ICT? How do they use it? What constraints do they meet and overcome? What pedagogic arguments do they put forward? How do they discriminate about software? What do they see as the consequences for teaching and learning?
Issues and Concerns Purposeful sampling so far through: Access to schools and mathematics teachers who use ICT and are prepared to give time to assist. Purposeful sampling so far through: First phase of surveys and focus groups Access through recommendations Meeting at subject association events Meeting at CPD events Mix of practitioners, teacher trainees, advisors
Constructing this sample I have: tried to identify teachers through questionnaires at CPD events (n=50) Used contacts locally in Suffolk Have purposefully sampled for in-depth interviews (n=4), But How many do I need? Should they all be from the same sector? Should I be looking for generalisations or individual stories?
Initial findings from surveys Reasons for use (or non-use) of ICT is a complex issue. Teacher’s confidence and personal experiences are influential. Amount of training given in generic and mathematics specific programs is low. Type and quality of training varies. Variety of programs used in classrooms is often small. Variable access to (functioning) facilities.
Analysis of qualitative data I will use inductive coding to do this. As the data increases I will use Nvivo (but I do need to have ‘help sessions’ using my data to facilitate this).
Literature Literature review growing alongside the research, an abductive approach Main focus for date has been on: ICT and maths teaching: the contribution to teaching and learning The factors underlying the use of ICT Pedagogy and pedagogic styles
Timeline 2011/12: Complete data organisation and transcripts add to data where shortfalls Investigate further use NVivo for data analysis Get some chapters written in draft – linking data and literature where appropriate – aim for 50% 2012/13: check & revise, and complete writing – aim to do this by Feb. Write introduction and summary.