Attitude Is the ‘advance man’ of our true selves Is our best friend or our worst enemy Is more honest and consistent than our words Is a thing that draws people to us or repels them John Maxwell
Attitude The last of the human freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances – Victor Frankl The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind – William James.
The one who came back got extra blessings from Jesus! Luke 17:11 – 19 The one who came back got extra blessings from Jesus!
Gratitude unlocks blessings!
Gratitude is the true ‘Law of Attraction’ It attracts God (Psalms 22:3, Ps 100) It attracts others (and so makes business sense!) It makes you healthy and attractive According to British Medical Association, 60 to 80 percent all physical ailments are attitude-related.
Week of Gratitude Identify 3 people you need to send a ‘Thank You’ note, card, gift, email or visit this week.