From: Slant from texture and disparity cues: Optimal cue combination Journal of Vision. 2004;4(12):1. doi:10.1167/4.12.1 Figure Legend: Change in slant with azimuth. Left panel: Definitions of local slant and distance. A plane is positioned straight ahead of the Cyclopean eye. The surface normal at the intersection of the plane and the head’s median plane is shown. Slant S is the angle between the normal and the Cyclopean line of sight to that point and d is the distance to that point. The azimuth to another point on the plane is γ. The slant with respect to that point is Sγ and the distance is dγ. Middle panel: Slants and local slants for a cue-conflict stimulus. The disparity-specified slant of the stimulus is Sd = −25 deg and the texture-specified slant is St = −10 deg. The local slants at azimuth γ are Sdγ and Stγ. Right panel: Predicted perceived slants across the cue-conflict stimulus if cue weights are determined locally. The thin red line represents the predicted slant if cue weights are fixed across the surface. The thick red line segments represent the predicted changes in slant if the weights are determined locally. The surface should appear concave in this case. Date of download: 11/11/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.